NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 4


Term 2 Week 4



Church Strand Learning

Over the next four to five weeks the children will be participating in various learning experiences based around the Church Strand.



Global Achievement Objectives for St. Joseph’s School (L1-4)

Church Strand

  • That the Church is a community of disciples in communion with Christ
  • The Church consists of all the baptised and its mission is to continue the work of Jesus.
  • The church as the family / whanau of Christ is called together to be a reconciling, worshipping, serving, celebrating community
  • The importance of Te Wa – the journey or pilgrimage of life in the whanau/family and Church


You will find more information on this strand from Faithalive family

Please also keep a lookout for opportunities to engage with your children’s learning, through their Religious Education Books, Google docs, coming in and sharing prayer, and general discussion on their learning in religious education.

This also links in nicely with our Term 2 theme: Cooperation. Together we, students / teachers / parents / parishioners / diocese/ church family/ worship/ celebrate etc




Congratulations to all the students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last night. It was a wonderful celebration in which Monsignor David Tonks bestowed the Sacrament on 82 young parishioners. The children looked stunning all dressed for the occasion, and beaming as they walked back to their pew have received the Sacrament.

First Communion

Please keep in your prayers our students who are receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this Sunday. This is a very special occasion for them and their families. Congratulations to them all. 

First Communion Celebration

There will be a celebration in the Flanagan Lounge after the 10am Mass for all those who are receiving their First Communion. Please could the families of the girls bring a sweet plate and families of boys bring a savoury plate. Could all families please bring $2 to contribute to the set up costs. We look forward to see you at this celebration. It is also open to those First Communicants who are attend either the 7.30am Mass or the 7pm Mass.

Have Your Say – $50 Whitcoulls Gift Voucher

Have you completed our survey? We are interested to know what you see as going well at St Joseph’s and where you think we can head as a school community. We are really keen to get you feedback. Complete the survey and you will go into a drawer for a $50 Whitcoulls gift voucher. 



The Year 4 Dream Team

By Daniel C And Ryan B
Kereru is the place to be this year with two new exciting teachers. Miss Emma Washer and Mrs Traci Sietu joined St Joseph’s at the start of the year.


Miss Washer was born and raised in Tauranga, whereas Mrs Sietu is a North Shore local, growing up with her family in the Bays. Miss Washer attended St Mary’s Catholic Primary School and enjoyed writing and art as a child.IMG_2326 (2)


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Mrs Sietu went to Torbay Primary where her favourite subjects were P.E, art and languages.


When they were children, Miss Washer dreamed of being a magazine editor and Mrs Sietu wanted to be a Police Officer, but fortunately for us, they both became teachers.  Mrs Sietu has been teaching for 14 years in 8 schools, from Early Childhood Centres to Secondary Schools. Miss Washer has taught at 3 schools in her 5 years of teaching.

Our Year 4 teachers are also very passionate about sports. Miss Washer is very athletic and enjoys running, while Mrs Sietu played 1st 15 Rugby with a talent for kicking conversions.  They are also both sports volunteers and are helping with our Netball teams this season.  Mrs Sietu is also involved in the Rugby and Basketball community.

Outside of school the teachers have many interests.  Miss Washer can play the

flute and loves Ed Sheeran, while Mrs Sietu loves listening to Kiwi music. They

both love pets and currently Mrs Sietu has a Siberian Husky called Laska, with

amazing different coloured eyes. When both were asked if they were TV/Movie fans

or bookworms, they both agreed TV rules, Mrs Sietu loves her mySky.

Miss Washer and Mrs Sietu have found settling into St Joseph’s very easy because of

our strong, supportive community and welcoming staff.  They consider themselves a

Dream Team as they collaborate so well.  When asked what they most like about working

with each other, Miss Washer said Mrs Sietu is very supportive and Mrs Sietu

appreciates Miss Washer’s patient and caring nature.

Thank you, Kereru teachers for introducing yourselves and also leaving us with your

two favourite inspirational sayings.

‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you’ (Miss Washer)

and ‘Believe, You Can Achieve!’ (Mrs Sietu).


Book Fair – Reported by Amelia L

Last week was our school Book Fair. Scholastics

provided us with the books. We sold $4663 in books and we were will receive 35% of the revenue as books ($1632). The book fair took place from Friday to Wednesday in the library. It was a great opportunity to buy a book.


We asked our Librarian Megan a few questions.

  1. How long has St Joseph’s been doing the book fair?

Over twenty years

  1. How many books do we normally sell?

About $3000 worth of books

  1. How many books do we get given by Scholastics?

Over 90

  1. How many books do we have to sell to receive one book for our school?

Our revenue is over 4000 and so our commission is 35%.

  1. How many people come to the book fair?

A large percentage of our community

  1. Does anyone donate a book and do you think this a good initiative for the school next year?

Nobody donated a book but if you have an old book in good condition we would love to have it. We have had books donated in the past


Now we asked year 3 Evie M, year 1 Blake B and Year 6 Annah M some questions.

  1. What do you think of the book fair?

Evie: I think it is a really cool place for kids to buy books.

Blake: I think it was really cool.

Annah: The book fair had a very good selection of books.

  1. What did you like best about the book fair?

Evie: The books and activity books.

Blake:The drawing books.

Annah: The activity books.

  1. Did you buy anything from the book fair and if you did what was it?

Evie: Yes Pom Pom Kitties.

Blake: Yes Titanic, Guardians of the Galaxy colouring book, Care Bears and Hot wheels colouring book.

Annah: Yes a Teddy eraser and sharpener and Tots adorable organiser.

  1. Do you think we should keep doing the book fair and why?

Evie: Yes, because everyone can get a book.

Blake: Yes because it’s my favourite thing at school.

Annah: Yes because you can get your own book from the library.

  1. Name one thing you did when your class came to the book fair?

Evie: We did a wish list with your top three books.

Blake: We looked at the books.

Annah: We looked at the books in the library.


We would like to thank all the parent helpers and the parents who bought a book from our book fair.



Term 2 Week 5 Calendar 

Sunday 28              First Communion Celebration       St Joseph’s Church

7.30am, 10am and 7.30pm

Monday 29               Prayers                                              Hall

Tuesday 30


Wednesday 31


Thursday 1                   1.45pm Year 6 Rosmini Orientation – Rosmini College

Friday 2                        HG 11 Mass                                 St Joseph’s Church


Monday 5 June School Closed Queens Birthday Weekend





Thank you

Thank you for the outstanding support of this year’s Scholastic Book Fair. Reading is one of the core skills required for learning and living, so it has been wonderful to witness so many parents buying books for their children. Not only will your children benefit at home you’re your purchase, they will also benefit here at school. Through your very generous support we are now able to purchase $1600 worth of books for our school library, which your child will get to read. Thank you

 Rosmini College Orientation Day – Year 6 Boys

This is an opportunity for you and your son to visit Rosmini College to learn about what the school has to offer. You can accompany your son from the school courts. The boys will be gathering there at 1.30pm.

Drop Off / Pick Up

Thank you to the Summit School Community for allowing us to use their entry/exit while our Taharoto Rd exit was closed. Now that it is open everyone is back to having the choice to exit either onto Taharoto Rd or Fred Thomas Drive.

We are going to continue to end classes at 2.40pm, for the rest of this term, in order that all parents can collect their children earlier if they wish. This allows parents collecting in cars an additional ten minutes to negotiate the wastewater works on Taharoto Rd / Domminion Rd.


God bless


Alister Bridgman


2019-02-04T12:17:05+00:00 26th May 2017|