Newsletter Week 5 Term Two


Church Strand Learning

Over the next four to five weeks the children will be participating in various learning experiences based around the Church Strand.


Global Achievement Objectives for St. Joseph’s School (L1-4)

Church Strand

  • That the Church is a community of disciples in communion with Christ
  • The Church consists of all the baptised and its mission is to continue the work of Jesus.
  • The church as the family / whanau of Christ is called together to be a reconciling, worshipping, serving, celebrating community
  • The importance of Te Wa – the journey or pilgrimage of life in the whanau/family and Church


You will find more information on this strand from Faithalive family

Please also keep a lookout for opportunities to engage with your children’s learning, through their Religious Education Books, Google docs, coming in and sharing prayer, and general discussion on their learning in religious education.



Congratulations to all the students who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Sunday. The students attended one of the three Sunday Masses, with their family and received the Sacrament for the first time. Once again the children looked stunning all dressed for their special occasion.


Thank you to Mrs Andrews and her team for organising the morning tea in the Flanagan Lounge following the 10am Mass. It was a lovely opportunity for the families of the First Communicants to celebrate together.


Have Your Say – $50 Whitcoulls Gift Voucher

Have you completed our survey? We are interested to know what you see as going well at St Joseph’s and where you think we can head as a school community. We are really keen to get you feedback. Complete the survey and you will go into a drawer for a $50 Whitcoulls gift voucher.






Rosmini Open Day – By Daniel C


Year 6 boys received a friendly and informative welcome as we had our first look around Rosmini. IMG_1485[2] IMG_1487 (1) (1)


It began in their huge auditorium with interesting presentations from the Principal, Head Intermediate Teacher, Head Boy and some of the Year 7 and 8 students.


The students made us laugh, as they told us not to be nervous about starting a new school full of big hairy guys, as one day, we will also be one of them ourselves. They also told us about all the exciting sports and culture groups you can join and make friends through.


The Principal, Mr Cooper, spoke about the school’s recent high academic and sports achievements as well as explaining all the different ways Rosmini students volunteer their time for charity work in the community, which he is very proud of.


The second part of the Open Day involved an impressive tour of the school, led by the Year 13 prefects and Intermediate students. Some of the highlights were visiting the massive gymnasium, exploring the modern science and technology blocks and learning they have a 3D printer that can make fidget spinners.
In my opinion the Open Day was definitely worth attending because you get a better understanding of all the great opportunities the school has to offer. Although I am not quite ready to leave St Joseph’s just yet, I now know I have a lot to look forward to at Rosmini next year.



Our Learning

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8














Term 2 Week 3 Calendar



Monday 6                                    Queen’s Birthday – SCHOOL CLOSED

Tuesday 7                                        8.50am           Prayers                      Hall

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10                                            9.15am           HG 1 Mass                St Joseph’s Church




Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June – SCHOOL CLOSED

This coming Monday all schools throughout New Zealand are closed as it is a public holiday. We look forward to seeing the students on Tuesday 6 June


Blankets for Dogs

Next week (5th – 9th of June) we would really appreciate if you have an old blanket and you would be happy to donate it to the SPCA. They are running low on blankets for the dogs and have asked for people to donate to them. We think we could make a big difference and help the dogs a lot. The SPCA have posted the message below.

Please help us keep the animals warm this winter

Thank you for your help

Hannah, Savannah and Sharnika – Home Group 3



God bless


Alister Bridgman


2019-02-04T12:17:04+00:00 2nd June 2017|