Newsletter Week 1 Term 3

Welcome to Term 3

It was wonderful to welcome the students and staff back to school on Monday at School Prayer. Everyone has enjoyed the break and have shared their holiday stories with each other.

We were delighted to be able to welcome eight children to our school community. They had their first day of schooling on Monday. Next Monday at School Prayers they will receive their Welcome Certificates. Welcome to:

Isla B, Mackenzie C, Joseph D, Alessandra D,

Thomas E, Keeros K, Oliver M, Willow T

We know they will have great fun with their learning here at St Joseph’s.



This term our overriding theme for learning is ‘Discovery’. Students and teachers will design their programme of learning around this. Their themes are:

Kiwi – What’s for Lunch?   Kea – New Zealand / Science       Kakapo – Heat

Kereru – Trash to Treasure            Kakariki – Wearable Arts


Mrs Bon

The Board of Trustees has received a letter from Mrs Bon informing them that she will be retiring at the end of this term. Mrs Bon has been a teacher at St Joseph’s since 1989 (a whopping 28 years), where she was also appointed to the position of Assistant Principal. As a school community we have been blessed having Mrs Bon sharing her time, treasures and talents with our students, staff and parents over these many years. She will be greatly missed by us all.

We have begun planning Mrs Bon’s farewell for the end of this term. Please keep an eye on the school newsletter for further details.




Thank you to the parents who have completed the survey. Zaina Theresa is the winner of the $50 Whitcoulls voucher. Congratulations.

The responses to the survey are currently being collated. I look forward to sharing what I learnt from the survey through a newsletter later in the term.



God Strand:

The students at St Joseph’s School are currently learning about God in Religious Education. The following are the achievement objectives for this strand of learning across the school.

Mufti Mania

On July 7th this year we joined with other Catholic primary schools to raise funds for Nawi Catholic Primary School in Fiji. On the day we raised $672.00 and with the money collected from Missions throughout the term, we are able to donate $1000.00 to this worthy cause. This will help provide the school with solar power and books for their library.

Nationally over $100,000 has been raised by Catholic schools across New Zealand to support schools in the Pacific.



School Mass

You are welcome to join us for our School Mass on Friday 11 August. It begins at 9.15 and is in our St Joseph’s Parish Church. We encourage you to come along to this special occasion.


Term 3 Week 1/2

Thursday       27 July                       Rosmini College Orchestra

Monday          31 July                       School Prayers

Tuesday         1 August                    Author Visit – Des Hunt

Wednesday   2 August                    St Mary’s College Students Visit

Rosmini College – Japanese Students Visit




End of Day


Thank you for your patience with exiting the school 2.50pm – 3.20pm. As you will have experienced on our Auckland roads, every day is different. Some days traffic flows really well and on others it is backed up. You will experience this here as you arrive and exit our school. Please be patient.


Bishops’ Electoral Statement

Electoral Statement for you to read.


God bless


Alister Bridgman


2019-02-04T12:18:18+00:00 27th July 2017|