Young Writers Future Authors

One of the exciting aspects of teaching and learning this year, so far, has been the writing that our children are producing. If you look in the foyer on the noticeboard you can read some examples. Miss Woodhead plans to keep this board updated regularly. It will include work from all ages and stages.   I am including here four pieces of writing from children in Room 11 (Year 2) after they had met Ms Hormann’s dog, Milo.

The Dog Day by Dominic

Today Miss Hormann brought Milo in. We worked out what he looked like. He had sharp, black claws. He was fat and looked like dark, chocolate milo. His tongue was slobbery and was bumpy too. He smelt dirty and had a special doggy smell. Milo licked every hand. He is the most fantastic dog I’ve ever seen in my life. When he drinks, he slurps up the clean, cold water. The surprise was the coolest surprise ever.

Milo by Dominic    

Milo the Cute Dog by Olivia

Milo looks fat. He likes tennis balls. He looks dark brown and has a pink, red tongue. His tongue felt slobbery and rough but soft as well. When he drinks, it sounds like instruments. He is cuddly when you pat him and he has black claws like a knife. His teeth are white and sharp. He has hazel  eyes. Milo is the craziest dog I’ve seen.

Meeting Milo by Todd

Milo is big, furry and his claws are black. His eyes are completely brown. His fur is brown too. He is very crazy because he was running around with a tennis ball in his saliva slobbery mouth.  After that, he started licking an ice cream container with water in it. It was morning tea time. After morning tea, Theo started chasing him. Miss Hormann came in and she felt angry. She put Milo in the car.

Enormous Milo by Mateo

Today Ms Hormann brought in Milo. He loves to catch tennis balls. He licked me! He is dark brown, has orange eyes and he’s enormous! He smells tennis balls and your hand. It really tickles.


2012-06-29T14:23:13+00:00 29th June 2012|