End of Term Two and Beginning of the Holidays!

School has been all abuzz with preparations for J Rock. Sixty seven children, from Years 4-6,  performed at the Aotea Centre on Wednesday night and they did themselves, their families and their school very proud indeed! I am very delighted with all the children involved; how they have worked with their teachers to ensure that they not only learnt their dances, but put in a great effort to make sure that the standard of their performance kept on improving. They know about listening, co-operating, persisting, practising…all great life skills. Thank you so much to the teachers and parents who did so much to ensure that the children participated fully and performed to a high level.
Next term our concept for learning is Enterprise and we will all be trying to find out what that really means. I am sure you will be called upon to share your own enterprising spirit. Later in the term there will be a market day, which will of course, show the enterprising skills of the children!
In the first 4 weeks of term we will be focusing on aspects of the Olympics. There will be a fun run to celebrate the event.  The choir will be performing in Kids for Kids Concert on the 10 September. The school Cross Country will be held later in the term. We will celebrate Mercy Week  at the end of the term. Before we know it there will be holidays again!

There has been concern expressed by the Health Department about unvaccinated children contracting whooping cough and how dangerous this can be. If you have worries about vaccines, talk to your doctor for good information.

Thank you for all the support for the fund raisers held this week. Over $700.00 was raised by Rooms 7 & 8’s Cake and Candy Stall,  for our sponsored child and over $400 was raised today with Crazy Hair Day and that money is going to help a school community in a remote part of Papua New Guinea.  Two large boxes were filled with food donations for the parish food bank by those children who lined up to receive an even crazier hairdo, courtesy of our school leaders! You truly are generous people.

Thank you to all for your support this term. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!

God bless!

Phil O’Connell-Cooper


2012-06-29T14:21:08+00:00 29th June 2012|