Term Three 2012

Welcome back to everyone! There are plenty of exciting happenings this term. A calendar for Terms 3 & 4 will be coming home soon. Also, be sure and read each Friday’s email, through school links, which updates you for events in the week ahead.

This term our  Concept is  Enterprise. 

The  Big Question for our Inquiry is

“Why is enterprise important for us in our lives?”

The Essential  Questions we are aiming to answer, through our learning, are:

What does enterprise mean?

What do we need to do to become enterprising?

As we work towards developing the Key Competency of Managing Self we will be learning to:

  • see what needs to be done and doing it
  • persevere when things get tough
  • set a goal and work towards it

As always, we will be avoiding lying on our BED  (Blaming Excusing  Denying) and instead, taking up our OAR (being  accountable, responsible and taking ownership for our actions). When things do go wrong, we will remember: 

Muck Up /  Own Up /  Put it Right  /  Move on

so that we can

Be the Best we Can Be!

What's the time Mr Wolf? Robot Time!

The focus in our first Mass of the term (Friday 27 9.15 a.m.) is our motto: Courtesy Care Co-operation and Courage. We are also trying hard to practise living up to our motto. Please help us by reinforcing these important behaviours at home. 
God bless!
Ma te Atua e manaaki!
Phil O’Connell Cooper
2012-07-20T17:06:35+00:00 20th July 2012|