School Mass

On Friday 27th July, at 9:15,  we  celebrated our School Mass for the term. The theme of this Mass

was our school motto “Courtesy, Care, Co-operation and Courage, which for us means treating each other with respect, caring for each other and our environment, working together, sharing with and helping each other, being prepared to take risks in our learning and being brave when we try something new or difficult.

Catherine McCauley, the founder of the Mercy Sisters who started our school said:  “ Prayer is a plant, the seed of which is sown in the heart of every Christian, but it’s growth entirely depends on the care we take to nourish it.”

Thank you to the Special Character Leaders from Year 6 who helped Ms O’Connell-Cooper to put together this Mass.

Thank you to those who attended
















2012-07-27T17:52:19+00:00 27th July 2012|