Newsletter 2019/14 – May 10


2019/14 – May 10

Principal Message

It was wonderful to welcome back the students to school for the new term. This term will see the students continuing their exciting programme of learning, and sharing with their parents the progress they have made through the first half of their year. The themes this term are:

Kiwi – Sustaining our Whakapapa

Kea – Energy Forces

Kakapo – Local Whakapapa

Kakariki – Planet Earth and Beyond

The netball season is underway with the Year 6 teams having their first game last week. The Year 1 – 5 teams have their first game tomorrow. Our thanks to the coaches and managers of all our sports teams for the time and skills they share with our students. It is through their generosity that we can have teams in the netball, mini-ball, flipper-ball and rippa rugby school competitions this term. Thank you

This coming Sunday May 12 we celebrate Mother’s Day. We wish all our mothers a wonderful day and we hope you are all very spoilt by your children.

God bless

Alister Bridgman


Term 2 Week 3

Monday 13 May

No School Prayers

Home Group 1 – 14 School Photos 

Tuesday 14 May

Home Group 2 – Waterwise

Wednesday 15 May

Lunch Break Groups – Drama, Culture, Hockey

Parish Eucharist Lessons – 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm – Staff Room 

Thursday 16 May

8.15 am – Choir


Friday 17 May

Mandarin Lessons



A big welcome to …


We know he will have a wonderful time here at St Joseph’s

School Photos

We have two photo sessions each year. The first one is on Monday May 13. This one is for Home Groups 1 – 14. The second session is November 18. This is for Home Groups 15 – 18, New Entrants and sports teams. Please could parents ensure their children are in the correct full school uniform.

Thank you

School Prayers

There will be no School Prayers on Monday May 13 as the parish hall is being used for school photos.

St Joseph the Worker

On the 1st of May St. Joseph’s school was celebrating St. Joseph’s day. This day is very special to our school because he is our patron saint. To celebrate this we had a mass in the morning and at the end of the day some leaders lead some games. St. Joseph’s day is about thinking about Joseph, Jesus’ stepfather and carpenter.

Also Joseph was the son of Jacob and husband of Mary.

In the morning the whole school went to Mass for St Joseph’s day. Everyone was ready to pray and think about St Joseph’s life and how he obeyed God. Father Monsignor David Tonks was our priest for the day. Lots of kids, including little kids, were reading the bible, doing prayers of the faithful and offertory. Our opening song was “The song to St. Joseph”. The whole church was filled with singing. At the end of mass we all left while singing southern cross shine.

During lunch our house captains, special character leaders and sports captains were setting up games/activities. These games/activities were for after lunch when the rest of the school would go to two of them, this was another part of the St. Joseph’s day. Some of the games/activities included field games, silent drawing, arts and crafts, shelter building, scavenger hunt and much more. We interviewed Emma she told us that she was in the choir for the mass, and loved singing all the songs. We also asked her if she enjoyed it, she answered yes because of the songs and the readers. In the games Emma took part in Arts and crafts and Kid’s yoga. She also told us that the people who lead the games were very kind and had set out very fun activities.

St. Joseph’s day is a very special day and it was very exciting celebrating it.

By Stella HG 1 and Gloria HG 3.

Rippa Rugby

On the 2nd of May some year 3-6s went to Onewa Domain to represent St. Joseph’s in Rippa Rugby.

At the rippa tournament there were 3 games for each team. In each game they played against different schools from around the North Shore. Between each of the games, the kids would have about 1 hour to eat, rest and practice. There was also a sausage sizzle for the kids to go and buy a sausage.

We asked Grace if she enjoyed it, she told us that she did enjoy it and  loved spending time with her friends. Grace also loved learning more about rippa rugby. Jacob was asked the same question and answered that he loved it because he got to run around a lot and spend time with his friends . Jacob also like the sausage sizzle.

There were 5 teams, 1 year 3 and 4 girls team, 1 year 3 and 4 boys team, 2 year 5 and 6 boys team, and 1 year 5 and 6 girls team.

All the teams did an outstanding job, with some teams winning all 3 of their games. They all tried and did the best that they could do. Mr O’Connor told them that they showed lots of sportsmanship and kindness to other teams. They all showed the mercy values as well.

By Stella HG 1

Happy Mothers Day

2019-05-10T17:05:07+00:00 10th May 2019|