Principal’s Message – 17 December



Dear Parents

For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests.
They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.’
Isaiah 9:5

The school grounds are silent and the birds are in full chorus. The students and staff have all headed off for their Christmas break after what has been a challenging year for all. Eight more sleeps until we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank You!

Thank you to all our school community for the wonderful support that has been given in so many ways to the students, staff and parents. This support has seen our school community get through one of our more unusual years of schooling, together.

Thank you to our staff who have developed and run a variety of forms of schooling through the year. We are blessed as a school to have a great team who put the students at the centre of their focus. Thank you for the many hours that have gone into supporting the learning of their students both onsite, online and a combination of both.

Thank you to our parents who have had to seriously multi-task as they look after their family, work, and do home schooling. You have been great in supporting your children with their distance learning, and their resulting school work is a credit to them and you. Thank you for taking the time to provide our staff with all the positive feedback throughout the year.

Thank you to our PTFA for the wonderful support they have provided the school community this year. Your online Quiz Night and Funlympics were brilliant initiatives. In addition you provided tiaki/care vouchers which were gratefully received. Thank you.

Thank you to our Board who have continued to carry out their governance role on Zoom meetings this later half of the year. Their support of the staff and students through this year has been greatly appreciated.

Finally thank you to our students. You are the stars of our school community. Thank you for the wonderful way you have continued your learning, no matter where you were, in such a positive way.

Edmond’s Cup

Yesterday we had the drive through celebration for our Year 6 students and their families. This was a lovely opportunity for the staff to farewell this wonderful group of students.

The first two students that were farewelled were Francine Sanchez and Zack Thompson. They are the 2021 recipients of the Edmonds Cup.

The Edmonds Cup is for Leadership and Special Character. It acknowledges the participation and contribution the child has made to the life of St Joseph’s in the fields of leadership, empathy for others and upholding the Special Catholic Character.

Year 5/6 students and staff nominate who they believe should be the recipient of the award. The Leadership team and the Kakariki teachers consider the nominations and from these the student is selected. It was great to be able to present this award to Francine and Zack yesterday.

These are some of the comments that were written about each of the students.

She is a very generous, courteous student who will offer to help even when no one is looking. She was incredibly organised when we were doing Atawhai groups and is very caring and gentle with the younger children. “You are as strong as the weakest among you” is something I see in action with this student in the way she cares for the younger students.
Always willing to help others, whether she has been asked or not. Shows all the Mercy Values in her words and actions. Cares about those around her and she is also aware of other students in her team and across the school. She has great leadership skills, great social skills, she can make anyone her friend. She is quick to welcome others who are new, making them feel happy. She is talented in multiple things, never afraid to try something. Lastly, she is kind, caring and friendly.

You never see this person without a smile on his face and an infectious positive attitude. He is a role model for all the Mercy Values, especially seeking out those who need help or are on their own. He actively contributes across many areas of the School. Over his years at St Joseph’s, he has demonstrated a can-do attitude, showing persistence and resilience in everything he does.
He exemplifies all the Mercy Values, he shows kindness and care to all staff and students at the school. His positive attitude and willingness to learn and help are amazing assets. He shows great empathy and patience towards others.
As one of the Leaders he was organized, creative, and went out of his way to be inclusive, especially catering for the younger students. His positive attitude is infectious and he works hard to ensure everyone is treated fairly. He has a special empathy for children that are finding tasks hard, and his consideration for others is evident. He is a real trier and adapts to situations even when unsure.

Congratulations Francine and Zack.

Happy and Holy Christmas

The staff and I would like to wish you all a happy and Holy Christmas. May you all have an AWESOME family break and enjoy the season’s festivities. May it be a Season of Great Joy.

Take care and stay safe.

Meri Kirihimete

Alister Bridgman

2022 DATES

Term 1

February 7 Monday Waitangi Day – School Closed
February 8 Tuesday First Student Day – School Open

March 11 Friday Teacher Only Day – School Closed

April 13 Thursday Last Student Day
April 14 Friday Good Friday – School Closed

Term 2

May 2 Monday First Student Day

June 6 Monday Queen’s Birthday – School Closed
June 24 Friday Matariki Public Holiday – School Closed

July 8 Friday Last Student Day

Term 3

July 25 Monday First Student Day

September 30 Friday Last Student Day

Term 4

October 17 Monday First Student Day
October 24 Monday Labour Day – School Closed

December 16 Friday Last Student Day


2022-01-26T10:27:40+00:00 17th December 2021|