Principal’s Message – 30 May, 2024



Talofa lava

At the Sunday 10:30 am mass, it was lovely to see a number of our children in the children’s choir for the parish children’s mass. Our youngsters sang beautifully along with reading clearly. If you are interested in your child being involved in the children’s mass and the children’s choir, please send me an email and I will put you in contact with the leaders.

Teachers have begun writing the mid year progress reports for the children in their home group. This term we will be inviting parents in for Sharing the Learning, Monday, 17th June, 8:00 am – 8:45 am. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the work completed by your child over this term.

Parents will be receiving their child’s progress report by email, in week 10 of this term.

In Week 2 of Term 3, Friday the 2nd of August, you will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress report. A link to the school interview booking website will be sent out with your child’s report.

Next week, Friday, 7th June, we will be welcoming the students who are beginning their schooling here at St Joseph’s next week. Their parents, along with parents of all our students, are invited to school prayers beginning at 8:50 am.

In line with the current Government’s focus on attendance, we are currently reviewing the systems we have in place in recording a child’s absence. This year we introduced a device in the office for students and parents to sign in/out throughout the school day. We are currently working with our Student Management System provider to ensure that what is recorded on a child’s attendance record reflects our (and the Government’s) expectations. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact me.

We wish you all a happy King’s Birthday weekend. For our school, and the Catholic schools on the North Shore, it begins tomorrow, Friday, 31st May and we look forward to the children returning Tuesday June 4th.

Take care

Ka manaakitia e te Atua

Alister Bridgman

The Principal’s Message Will Cover the Following Topics:

  • School Closed Tomorrow & Monday
  • We Invite You to the Next PTFA Meeting
  • Digital Technology
  • Covid Update
  • Inclement Weather
  • News From Our Parish
  • Community Notices




The Pediatric Society of NZ has released an article titled ‘Recommendations for the Use of Digital Technologies: Schools, Kura and Early Childhood Education’ . I would encourage all parents to read this short but informative article.


The public is being informed that there is currently a rise in the number of COVID cases. Parents are encouraged to monitor their children’s health. Children who have cold or flu-like symptoms are asked to stay at home. It is important for their health and the health of children and staff at the school.


Yesterday we had some interesting weather. We appreciate that parents are concerned about their children in this weather. We can assure that your children are safe. If we are looking to send children home early, you will be contacted through email and/or by text. This would only be in exceptional cases, like February 2023. We ask that parents do not pick up children early, unless the school has contacted you. Thank you for your support.


Please check out the latest community notices  which you can find on our school website.

2024-05-30T12:40:24+00:00 30th May 2024|