Principal’s Message – 23 August, 2024



Mālō e lelei ngaahi fāmilí

Today, Kakariki Pod 1 joined the Parish for this morning’s Mass. It was a beautiful Mass, led by our students. At the end of Mass, we blessed Monsignor for his upcoming 1600 km walk. The pilgrimage walk (Camino) begins at Le Puy-enVelay (France) and ends at Santiago de Compostela (Spain), the burial place of James, one of the Apostles. Our prayers are with him for this approximately 75-day journey. We look forward to catching up with him in the new year and hearing all about his journey.

Tomorrow, Deacon Mark will be ordained into priesthood. Mark Bond attended our school and was taught by Miss Woodhead. It is truly special for the school to have one of its former pupils showing witness to Our Lord and choosing to live the vocation of a priest. Please keep Deacon in your prayers and you are welcome to attend his first Mass on Sunday at 10.30 am.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Father’s Day breakfast next Friday, including our Mums. Come along and have a bacon buttie while catching up with other parents, 7.30 am – 9.00 am

Take care

Ka manaakitia koutou e te Atua

Alister Bridgman

  • Father’s Day Breakfast
  • Daffodil Day
  • PTFA Meeting – Monday, 26th August
  • St Joseph’s PTFA Presents Musical Bingo – September 13th
  • St Joseph’s Got Talent – Term 3, Weeks 8 & 9
  • Rippa Rugby – Term 3, 2024
  • Touch Rugby – Term 4
  • Second-hand Uniforms
  • “NSCS New Voices”
  • Book Week Article & Photos (postponed from last week) 
  • Sabbatical/Church Fundraiser
  • Parish News
  • Community Notices



PTFA MEETING – Monday, August 26th


Tickets are selling fast for the St Josephs Musical Bingo Night and Fundraising Auction so don’t miss out!

The Details: 

Date: Friday 13th September 2024

Time: Doors open 6.30pm for a 7:30pm start

Where: Bar Africa – 1b William Pickering Drive, Albany (Drinks and Food available on the night)

What: Four entertaining rounds of Musical Bingo (no quiz knowledge needed) with a Live Auction, Raffle and Bottle Board on the night. 

Tickets cost $20 each and can be purchased at

Tables can accommodate between 6-10 people, so get a group together, select a table that suits the number of people in your group and make sure you all buy tickets for that table number to ensure you all sit together.  If you don’t have a team, don’t worry! You can join one of the social mixed tables and have the chance to make new friends. These mixed tables are a really fun way to meet other parents in the school community.  More tickets will be released if needed. For any assistance, feel free to reach out to us at 

Please note as it is being held at a bar this an 18+ event and is not suitable for children.

ST JOSEPH’S GOT TALENT – Term 3, Week 8 & 9

RIPPA RUGBY – Term 3, 2024


We invite your teams to register to play Touch Rugby for St Joseph’s Primary School in Term 4.
Reminder – Registrations close at 9 am on Friday 6 September 2024.

– Touch Rugby – Years 1-6
Location: Sunnynook Park
Day: Thursday
Game Times: 4:00pm, 4:30pm, 5:00pm, 5:30pm, 6:00pm (6:30pm if needed).  The Y1&2’s tend to play the earlier game times, and the Y5&6 the later times. But there are some overlaps, and often double-headers.

Season Dates: 24 October to 12 December
Game Duration: two 15 min halves with no break time

FEES: $45 per player 

*Please note: we can enter Girls-Only, Boys-Only and Mixed teams.  For Mixed teams, there needs to be at least four girls registered; and three girls on the field at all times. Otherwise, boys need to be entered into the Boys-Only grade.


There is a limited range of second-hand uniforms available at the school office.

If you are buying bigger sizes for your children, we would very much appreciate you donating any uniform items (in reasonable condition) that you no longer need. Please bring them to the office. Thank you!


We are part of the North Shore Catholic School’s Kahui Ako. There are seven schools in this cluster: St Joseph’s, St Leo’s, St Mary’s, St John’s, Stella Maris, Rosmini and Carmel Colleges. Kahui Akos throughout NZ are designed to enhance student learning within regions.

One of our initiatives sees students from our colleges producing an online magazine – NSCS Voices. The first issue of the new NSCS Voices online magazine has been published! This is a place to publish student writing from all the schools across the Kāhui Ako.

The new online magazine is run by a group of Year 11 and 12 students at Rosmini and Carmel Colleges. It is a space where news and events are shared, writing and art competitions are held, and students are able to submit their work to be showcased. 

NSCS Voices is designed to encourage and inform and inspire all readers with news and accomplishments. This magazine is different from in-school notices. It includes information that not only impacts students and schools, but the whole Catholic community.

The NSCS Voices editorial team invites you all to explore this online magazine! We encourage all readers to participate in the competitions, and to submit any writing, news or achievements to display.

Check out NSCS New Voices.


Book Fair and Book Parade

by Lorraine, HG1

The week before Book Parade, people trotted to the library, grasping a wish list in their hand! They jotted down multiple things they hoped to buy!  So many great library books were bought, thanks to parents who allowed their children to do this.

On the day of the Book Fair, many were dressed in unique costumes to represent characters from their favourite books.

Everyone marched enthusiastically around the school hall in costumes embroidered with colourful shapes,  marching with pride.

There were brave and daring Gryffindor students from Harry Potter; greedy and mean-spirited pirates; Greg, from the “Diary of the Wimpy Kid”; and much more! Well done to all of these children who made the effort to dress creatively, making masks and representing characters from Storyland.

The teachers from the Kakariki Team were dressed as  mischievous, cheeky Oompa Loompas, from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, by Roald Dahl. Other teachers’ teams were colourfully dressed as Fairyland characters and people from their favourite books. 

Thank you to all who took part, including parents who helped their children to create fun costumes!


Monsignor David is scheduled to fly to France on 26 August, and will be away till 10 January 2025. He’s taking a sabbatical, during which he’ll mark his 75th birthday. With two friends, he plans to do the 1600km pilgrimage walk (Camino) from Le Puy-enVelay (France) to Santiago de Compostela (Spain), the burial place of James, one of the apostles. 

Planning is well underway for an upgrade to St Joseph’s Church, which will provide lift access, an improved hospitality area, and a safe gathering space in front of the church. Msgr David hopes his pilgrimage can be a fundraiser for the Church upgrade. Are you able to sponsor him on his 1600 km pilgrimage? 

  • 1 cent per km = $16
  • 10 cents per km = $160
  • 20 cents per km =  means $320

Or you may prefer a lump sum. Donations are tax deductible.

Contact the parish office if you wish to sponsor Monsignor David.


Please check out the latest community notices  which you can find on our school website.

2024-08-23T15:02:26+00:00 23rd August 2024|