Writers Club


5 Minutes to go!

My heart was pounding as a horrifying voice over the intercom said “5 Minutes to go, 5 Minutes to go!” I couldn’t imagine that it would get worse-but it did; a deadly bomb rose up from the platform, the clock started to count down, this is possibly my last 5 minutes alive. I hesitated, not knowing what to do; I started touching the walls thinking “There must be a way out of here.” “2 minutes to go!” said the the horrifying voice over the intercom; once I heard that, I started to run “This tunnel must lead somewhere” I thought, so I ran on. Dead end! I was exhausted, I leaned against the wall on a loose brick, a secret door opened up; I looked back and saw a cloud of smoke rush towards me, I was horrified, my first instinct was to flee, I put my foot on accelerate and gapped it up the ramp-BOOM! Bricks and grass flew into the air as if they were fireworks, but one thing for sure, I was alive.


By Liam

The Railway Station

I crept down the creaky stairway, listening carefully.  There it was again!  The sound that had woken me.  I had to find out what was making it.  Squinting  through the darkness, I could just make out a tiny door.  I felt a strange urge to turn the ancient handle.  A  feeling of horror  washed over me like a wave as the ground slid away from under me and I fell, screaming into a pit of darkness.  Then came the agonising impact as I hit the ground and everything went black.  When I came to, there was the noise again!  The ground began to shake.   And just as the gigantic black shape came shooting towards me, I realised the hooting noise was a train!  Horrified, I tried to scramble out of the way but I didn’t make it in time.  I breathed my final breath and waited to die.  But wait! I’m not dead!  I sat up and stared.  The train was chuffing away into the distance as if nothing had happened.  Leaping up onto the platform, I looked around me.  The place I had fallen into was an old railway station!  I sprinted up to the ticket officer, tapping him on the shoulder.  My hand went straight through him like a breath of air. 

It was then that I realised the horrible truth.  He was transparent.  I had landed myself…. in a ghost station…. 

By Nina





Angry, dark clouds fill the sky, the roar of their voices so low and loud

The rain plummeting heavily from the heavens so high

So dark I see bright lights whipping through the sky

Watching in amazement the slashing rain, as I hide in between the branches, trees flapping from side to side like black crows

Faster and faster it gets

Crashing! Banging! slamming across the ominous sky

The sound deafening; with the rain blinding me

Crashing its way onward into the distance…


By Pavly

The Door

Boom! Boom! Boom!

My eyelids opened and I crept down to the basement. Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound was getting louder and louder. Suddenly a small door appeared in front of me. Opening it I crawled through the small hole in the wall curious to see what was inside. It was cold and dark sending shivers down my spine. Rusty train tracks loomed up in front at me. I realised I was in an old abandoned train station.

Suddenly a menacing and croaky voice boomed out of the darkness “who dares to enter.” Spinning around in panic, I looked down the station. A large black figure with fiery red eyes and blue lips dripping with blood was approaching fast. I wanted to run but I could see nothing in this big pit of hell.

Boom! Boom! Choot!

There it was again but this time it seemed different. In the oppressive darkness I could see the figure raised its hand. Purple mist started to emanate up out of the ground and surround me. Choot! Choot! Choot! I tried to move but the vapour held me like a vice to the spot. A few seconds later, the train hit me and blinding pain enveloped me. I woke up screaming and sweating.

What a nightmare!

By Amesh

2012-10-26T11:21:20+00:00 26th October 2012|