Reporting from Room 4

As part of Library skills and ICT skills the senior children in room 4 have been working on newspaper articles to go into our Newsletter.  Each group of children chose a different topic to report on.


Knowledgenet was updated to Saint Joseph’s school in term 4 2012. It is an online educational site with access to forums (created by the teacher).There is also pages for home learning and some educational links.

We  asked Flynn R.4 about what he thought about knowledgnet and he said   “I like it and it is a fun way of learning,  since it is online  I am more  likely to do my homework “; We also asked Kieran what he thought he said  “it is a pretty cool site and I really like the forums”.  Lots of the children we asked said they really liked the forum.

We asked Mrs Wright about her thoughts about if she thinks knowledgenet is better for the students, or teachers.  I think its half and half. I like thinking on a Sunday, “now what should I ask the children this week?” and then looking at the answers and if some people didn’t go on I would give them a little reminder, she says. Whoever invented/uploaded we give a huge thank you as it is a big success!

By Anna & Grace


Goodbye “2012 Year Sixes”                            And Hello 2013 “Leaders” 

By:  Joshua & Carl

An emotional ending comes to the Year 6’s final year filled with joy and sadness. As they are finishing off their last days of primary school, the teachers are looking out for award winners and outstanding role models.

The Year 6’s are trying their best to win these cups:

v  Sports Cup – Representing their sports contribution.

v  Arts Cup – Representing their skills in The Arts.

v  Academic Cup – Representing their academic skills.

And especially:

  • The Edmond’s Cup – Representing their Contribution/Citizenship through their life at  St. Joseph’s School.

The Year 6’s are trying to make the most of their time as they move on in life.

“Making new friends is the best thing at St. Josephs” said Owen, a graduating student.

“I really enjoyed making friends and learning new topics I did not know about. I am pretty proud of myself achieving the job as an Alphonsus House Captain” says Peter, a great year 6 leader.

The teachers have also had wonderful experiences with us.

“I love how the Year 6’s are taking on extra and they are using their own initiative to help others. They are ambitious and are role models to juniors.” Says Mrs Bon. “My tips are…  Be the best you can be! 100% effort in everything you do, and mostly, be honest with their learning. I am sad and pleased for them, starting their New Journey in learning. The Year 6’s have changed and become more thoughtful and supportive to younger children. They are also focused on their learning and their initiative for new ideas.”

They are also working hard to make their graduation their best memory at St Joseph’s by designing their own, unique posters, for their Graduation Evening which is on the 5th of December.

The Year 5’s see these children as role models to look up to, as they become 2013 Year 6’s.




Mission For Money


At our school, students (Juniors and Seniors alike) give coins, any amount, to donate into the mission box every week, usually raising more than forty dollars.

The mission money, as all pupils are told, goes to the Parish Office and is given to the poor. We have asked two Year and 6’s on their opinions about the missions.

Tanya of Room 2, year 6, says: “Well, it’s OK, I guess. If it really is given to the Parish Office, for them to give it to the poor or homeless or hungry, then it’s useful.”

We asked Emily of Room 4, year 6, and she said “I like it! I think it’s a good idea ‘cause it helps the poor. It’s easy bringing the money in.”



Mathletics Sweeps Saint Joseph’s!

By  Olivia and Tayla

The best maths learning website in NZ has taken Saint Joseph’s Takapuna by storm.   Mathletics is a great way for your children to explore the world of mathematics with fun games and activities to enjoy.

Everyone in this school is enjoying the website.   “Mathletics has unique utilities that are fun, challenging and make us smarter”, stated Emily Broomfield, year 6 student. Plenty of scores have improved due to this helpful site.

Even the juniors are appreciating the website as there are fun games as well as challenging ones. A year 3 student has reported that they have learnt many new skills including pictographs.

There is even an awesome live Mathletics where you can compete against kids from all over the world to test just how good your maths knowledge is!


In conclusion, Mathletics is a great learning booster for students of all ages. Is your child struggling with maths? Try Mathletics!


Our bright duty teachers

By Caitlyn, Charlotte and Robyn

The duty teachers just got a whole lot brighter with the help of the new bright, fluro yellow jackets. The juniors have been having some trouble finding the duty teachers but now that will be a problem no more.

Luckily our smart thinking principal came up with the idea of the smart, swishy jackets to help our distraught juniors.  Most teachers think the jackets are great and think they are helping the juniors a lot. Here are some of the children and teachers comments about the new jackets.

Mrs Abba: It makes the teachers more visible and I like it. We often have kids coming to the sick bay complaining that they can’t find the duty teachers but now they will be able to.

Will and Oscar: I like them because they are yellow and silver and they help me. Also I like them because they look like they work at the airport!!

One brave year three stepped out of the crowd and said, “I don’t like the jackets because they don’t match the hats.”

In conclusion we are sure the juniors will have no trouble at all finding the teachers at lunchtime now because they now have the bright, neon jackets!

Mrs Thomson in the new yellow jacket!


Amazing Art in Room 9    

By Flynn and Josef

In room 9 the children have been busy working on their amazing artwork. They worked on their poppies in term2 and just finished working on their solar system drawing during their time to study the solar system.

Mrs Yilmaz said that she gets her art ideas from the internet, books and other teachers. This is why room 9 children are such great artists.


Jorja and Noah said they thought their art could have been better. They both planned their work and their favourite piece of art is their solar system art work.

2012-12-17T12:46:10+00:00 17th December 2012|