Writing Across the School

The following are a sample of great writing from students in our school. Remember to check out the board in the foyer for more great writing.

The Fat Whitetail

Yesterday morning my whole family saw a big, fat, hairy whitetail – it is a spider. Lilly who is my cat took care of it. Lilly was brave. Lilly waited for Daddy to take it away and he flushed it away. I screamed.

By Olivia G Room 9

Slug Trails

When I woke up I saw slug trails in the living room. My Mum was very angry when she saw the slug trails. When my Dad saw the slug trails he wasn’t angry,but he was scared. The slug trails went on my couch. I hope the slug trails will never ever come back inside our house.

By Xin A L Room 12



Bert is an old man.

He lives in a big old house.

Bert has green eye’s and silver hair.

Bert’s house is old and Bert is old too.

Bert has an orange walking stick. He can’t walk properly and he shuffles along.

Bert has a black t-shirt and red pants and two brown shoes.

By Theo J Room 10


In the land of Blue Socks

In the land of blue socks on Monday we have party socks not boring socks that make your friend fall to sleep socks.

On Tuesday we have brave socks on not socks that run away from a fight.

On Wednesday we have hungry socks not full socks, not socks that have lost their appetite.

On Thursday we have funny socks not socks that make people yawn, that make people boo, hiss and throw things at them.

On Friday we have fast socks not socks that go slow, not socks that come last on Friday. We have fast socks.

By Damon E Room 5


The Weta

Henry ran down to the classroom. He told us. We ran upto the court and we saw a weta. He climbed on my hand.

By Braeden C Room 15


Over in London

I walk in the snow my feet trembling in the cold. When I saw a black ticket.

Yes, it is an Olympic ticket.

I really want to go and watch the swimming.

I arrive at the swimming pool and I sit in the stadium next to a man.

Beep the gun goes and the men are going quickly through the water doing backstroke.

By Charlie Room 11



2012-08-24T14:39:31+00:00 24th August 2012|