Kiwi's learning Croation


Why learn Croatian? Speaking a second language enhances brain development, improves cognitive skills and helps prevent dementia in old age. Children who learn a second language develop better skills at problem solving and critical thinking and have an advantage when learning to read.

The aim of little Kiwis learning Croatian is to reach out to preschoolers and school-age children in group classes. However, these classes are intended for parents too, as evidence suggests (and in my own experience over the last five years) that children learn best when they have their parents’ support. Not only does it provide valuable quality time with child/children, while boosting their confidence and motivation, it is also an opportunity for parents themselves to learn something new. In this way language learning continues at home and becomes language learning for the whole family.

Preschooler’s group

Children learn (with at least one adult attending) about their own world – the focus is on Colours/Boje, Animals/Životinje, Food/Hrana, Family/Obitelj.

The aim is for children to “see, hear, feel and use Croatian” while doing crafts, singing songs and playing games.

School-aged children group

Here the focus is to provide encouragement for kids to communicate in Croatian. The concept is similar to the preschooler’s group, but trying to stimulate children to use Croatian on a higher level.

Please note that there is no rigid term plan, each session is carefully designed taking into consideration children’s interests (sometimes, that’s a sport event like the Olympics, or a special holiday theme, or even a new movie hit). Also, each session provides handouts, craft tools, links, and tips on how to continue learning at home.

The group classes are held at school’s library.

All classes commence after school, 3.15pm.

Please refer to the for further info.

2012-08-30T08:43:56+00:00 30th August 2012|