Welcome back to School!

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

Welcome to all as we start our 2013 school year and a special welcome to our new children and their families. We welcome five teachers – Mrs Bernadette Mahoney,  Room 2 and Mrs Angela Beagley, Room 3, Ms Charlotte Patey who will be working for 2 days a week  in Rooms 3 & 4, Mrs Jackie Frank who will be based in Room 16 and working with teachers and children in Rooms 7 & 8 and Mrs Sarah Gollogly, who initially, will be working one day a week in Room 11.  Ms Tina Hormann is now Head of Art at Ponsonby Intermediate and Mr Tony Sargisson is working at the Millenium Institute as a Manager for an Athletics Club.

Our school year has started well with staff and students being focused, enthusiastic and ready to make the most of 2013. The Catholic Church has designated this year as the Year of Faith and you will see evidence of this in the school foyer and in the classrooms. Our main Concept this term is Justice.  Our BIG QUESTION is: How can we build communities where values of whakapono faith, pono truth, tika justice and aroha love can grow?   The Essential  Questions we will aim to understand and  answer are :  Why should we show all people respect?   Why do we have to look after the gifts God has given us?   How do we do this?

I hope you love the freshly painted interior of the hall which now has  a very modern look . The Junior Block (Rooms 12-15) has been freshly painted too, giving it a new lease of life. Rooms 2-6 have wonderful new furniture which helps to create  a flexible learning environment suitable for our  21st Century learners!  Rooms 7-15 can look forward to their modernisation during the year. (the example below is from Stonefields School)

We are very excited about the year ahead and hope it is one in which our school community goes from strength to strength. Dates to note are : PTFA  Monday 18 February @ 7 pm. in the staffroom- All welcome; Ash Wednesday Liturgy 2 pm Wednesday 13 February;  Meet The Teacher Evening- Thursday 21 February (6-6.45 Rooms 1-6; 6.45 -7.30  KnowledgeNET for all parents; 7.30-8.15 Rooms 7-15); Information Meeting for Parents-Writing- on Thursday 14 March starting at 6 pm.   The term Events will be out to you on School Links as soon as possible.

Monday morning School Prayers in the Hall will recommence this Monday, 11 February at 8.50. Please try to have your child at school in plenty of time. Latecomers are to come in quietly through the back door, please, to minimise distractions.

God bless

Phil O’Connell-Cooper   Principal



2013-02-08T14:28:23+00:00 8th February 2013|