The Year of Faith

As it is the Year of Faith this year our  newsletters will feature a Faith Fact for families to read and talk about. This is one way we will share our faith during this year and help each to increase our knowledge of our faith. When we use the word “faith” it has two meanings: the faith in which we believe, i.e. the Catholic faith and the faith by which we believe i.e. the gift of faith given to us by God that enables us to believe.


FAITH  FACT FOR WEEK 1   This is the logo for the Year of Faith. 2013 is the Year of Faith. The boat in the logo represents the Church. The main mast of the boat is a cross and its sails are the shape of the sun which represents the Eucharist.  On the sails are the letters IHS, the first three letters of the Greek name for Jesus.

This year each class will be creating a welcoming entrance to their classroom — a doorway of faith. Check them out. Some have been created already. Offer to help if you think your child’s class needs a hand.

2013-02-22T14:51:58+00:00 22nd February 2013|