God Strand

Across the school this week we are beginning learning in the God Strand. You can find information on this in your family / whanau book.

Year Level

Learning intentions:

I am learning …


How tapu and good God is for creating the whole universe and caring for itHow special people are to God and some things God wants them to doThat everything we can see and even things we can’t see are created by God – and we praise God for them


How God shows us love through creation and peopleHow Jesus is God’s greatest gift to peopleWhat to do with the gifts God has given us


How to recognise God’s presence in creation and take care of itHow the Church helps people become signs of God’s grace to othersThat God speaks to people when they read the Bible and when they listen to the Word of God at churchThat God works through all cultures of the world


That God is the Holy Trinity – a loving community of Father, Son and Holy Spirit – three persons united as One God.To respect God’s gift of creation and the tapu of whenua, the sacredness of the land.How God guides people to live with love and respect by the gift of the Ten Commandments.

5 & 6

Names and Images from Scripture that help people understand what God is like.How Jesus best shows what God is like and how to respond to.God through worship and actionWhat the Creed teaches about God.
2013-06-11T10:14:10+00:00 11th June 2013|