Homework Challenge With A Difference

  Dear Mrs Wright

I decided I’d write a letter about my homework challenge. It is Design Your Own Giving Challenge. My plan was to sell feijoas and give the money to the missions.

We collected feijoas from our garden and separated them into big and small. Then we put them evenly into plastic bags and tied a ribbon around them. We made an Honesty Jar out of a plastic box and put it in our letter box. We put feijoas in a box with a For Sale sign and put it on the side of the road under our letter box.

We sold two bags. Then it started raining so my Dad took the box to work. We sold the rest of the bags.

The total for the feijoas was $14.00 which we are giving to the missions.

The selling was very successful. I am proud of what I have done.

 From Sebastian P

Sebastian with his earnings.



2013-06-14T14:23:07+00:00 14th June 2013|