Celebrating God’s Creation with Room 14 and 15

Yesterday Miss Woodhead chose us to be her at Room fourteen and fifteens class liturgy. We were given an important place to sit – on the couch. Room 14 and 15 had invited their parents, younger brothers and sisters, grandparents and special guests. Father Carlo came and shared this special time with the children. We all found out that Father Carlo’s favourite animal is a dog. Woof.

We prayed, listened and sang three special songs,  ‘In the Beginning’ – the children did great clapping, they swished their special rainbow ribbons for the Rainbow song, this was a surprise to us, and at the end we had fun joining in the Hippo song.

Thank you room 14 and 15 it was special and spectacular.

God Bless

Ryan, Jo and SavannahDSCF0357

2013-06-21T14:16:13+00:00 21st June 2013|