Week One Term 4

Mercy Week has been full of learning about our school’s history and Mercy Charism which links in very well with the learning concept for the term: Taonga* – Treasure

What  is Taonga?

This could be a valuable topic of conversation to have at home-what is taonga for us, in our family, our culture, our faith? What do we really value in our lives and how do we show this? By having these conversations at home, it helps to link the learning happening at school to the reality of the children’s lives, thereby making it more meaningful.

*examples:  people, heirlooms & artefacts, land,  buildings,  language, spiritual beliefs, culture

Next week, Colleen Gleeson and Neil Laurenson, from the Catholic Schools’ Office, will be conducting a Catholic Character Review here at St Joseph’s. They will be here for two days -Wednesday and Thursday- and if you see them in the school, please feel free to talk to them. School Prayer will be on Wednesday next week instead of Monday, as the reviewers will join us there and it will also give us a chance to welcome them at that time.

Congratulations to our Cross Country Team who were great sports people at the Catholic Schools Cross Country Event at Monte Cecilia on Wednesday and who won the cup again!

2013-10-18T12:31:02+00:00 18th October 2013|