A message from our Filipino Community

On November 8, 2013 what was a normal spring day for New Zealand, something un-earthly was happening across the oceans, particularly in South East Asia. Typhoon Haiyan made history as the strongest typhoon to hit landfall and it hit really close to home- in the Philippines.  This is where 90+ students of St. Joseph’s Takapuna originate from.  As toll numbers rose affected from the typhoon, nations and communities rushed to assist.  New Zealand as a country generously sent out aid and donations poured.  Filipino parents in St. Josephs mobilised in various ways and forms.  Some who belonged to Couples for Christ had sent their personal donations to the organisation back in the Philippines to hit the ground running, not just to look at what they needed on the onset but to what people needed for re-building.  Other parents reached out through their university alma mater and fund raised to send money back through that channel. Some organised clothes drive and local garage sales and some supported the parish fund drive.  St. Josephs own fund raising through Caritas was a great effort.  What a country miles away was suffering, was truly felt within reach with true Christian community spirit flowing through the students, teachers and parents.  Thank you to all who found their own little way to give. God bless everyone!

Maraming Salamat po sa lahat ng tumulong at naki-isa sa Pilipinas.
Mabuhay kayong lahat!  (Thank you to all who helped and was one with us, Thanks everyone!)

2013-12-17T08:48:58+00:00 17th December 2013|