Week Two Term One – Lets adopt an attitude of gratitude!

What a wonderful week we have had, starting  in the Hall on Monday morning with School Prayer, focusing on Attitude, ably led by Year 6 students! We also welcomed all our new students and their families. Monday ended with a Camp Meeting for parents of Years 5 & 6 students.

Dedication Mass: On Tuesday evening, most of our teachers  attended the Dedication Mass in the Cathedral for Teachers in Catholic Schools in the Auckland Diocese. It was a beautiful Mass and it is always so impressive seeing so many people together who are dedicated to Catholic Education. At the end of Mass, both Jessica Burton and Cate Dunne were presented with Certificates  for Professional Learning and Practice in Religious Education. Thanks to Rosh Wijesinha, from the Board of Trustees, who attended and supported our teachers.

SAM_3308Cate Dunne at the Dedication Mass SAM_3307

Getting to Know You: Kea and Kiwi Teams – Rooms 9,12 & 13 and Rooms 14 & 15 – with their parents and teachers, had a lovely picnic on Wednesday evening, which was a great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. This was followed on Thursday night with the Kakapo Team- Rooms 7,8 & 10 – with their parents and teachers -for whom the weather held!  An enjoyable time was held by all and the feedback I received was really positive. The children, on both occasions had a thoroughly good time, hardly pausing to eat because they were having so much fun.

Kakapo Getting To Know You SAM_3329 SAM_3328


Thank you to all who were able to come along. If you missed out this time, look out for another occasion when you can be involved. The more we get to know each other, the better community we build and the more we can all support our children.

Our Years 5 & 6 Students,  120 in total, and their teachers and parent helpers, head off to Camp on Monday morning at 8.30 a.m. As there will be a lot of cars delivering children with baggage, it would be great if other parents try to either arrive early or a bit after 8.30, to avoid congestion. Alternatively, be prepared for possible delays,

which will require tolerance and patience from drivers not personally involved

Next Friday 21 February, we will be celebrating our beginning of year school Mass at 9.15 in St Joseph’s Church.  All welcome.

Have a marvellous weekend. Happy packing for the campers!

Ka kite ano!


2014-02-14T12:23:23+00:00 14th February 2014|