Last Week of Term 1



Holy Week has been marked in many ways by our children. This has been  really noticeable in their morning prayer and religious education learning, and  in the exceptionally generous response to the Pacific- themed Caritas Day, organised by Room 1 students (over $1300.00 was raised thanks to children and their families). This money will be added to the Mission money collected throughout Term One and be sent to Caritas for the Solomon Islands. It is is also evident (and will be so for parents) in the Holy Week Liturgy, in the Hall at 1 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, and in the Stations of the Cross at 10.00 a.m. on Good Friday in the Church. All the children have really shown high interest and  engagement in portraying the events and happening in Jesus’ life during Holy Week.  Those who have specific speaking and acting parts have been working hard to ensure they convey the message well.  Room 1 students have also been practising the resurrection story to present to us on the first day back after the holidays, May 5. Whole school prayers that day will be at the later time of 11.00. The new entrants and other children new to the school, will be welcomed formally, on the following Monday after School Prayers.

Netball teams have all started practising and our newest future Silver Ferns from Year 2, are looking forward to seeing some action!

While we do not have definite dates for the beginning of the major building project, we have been advised that it is likely to start in June. As soon as I have confirmation, I will let everyone know. One of the consequences of this project will see the occupants of Rooms 9 and 10 shift to other accommodation and possibly one or two other rooms, as well. I will keep you posted. Another consequence will be a shortage of courts for practices. The court at the back of the senior block, though not in pristine condition , can be used and the Hall will have to be shared more than it is already. As soon as I know exactly what is happening and when, I will communicate with the coaches so we can look at how best to manage. The blessing is that we do have a hall!

On Wednesday, our new entrants for Term 1 had their second school visit, and along with their parents, are looking forward to joining our school community. As always, I ask you all to be welcoming and hospitable to new families, introducing yourself and ensuring no one who enrols their child at our school, at whatever level, feels left out or alienated. While I am often told how friendly people find our school, occasionally I also hear from parents who don’t feel so welcomed, or are shy to make the first move because everyone seems to know people and they don’t. All it takes is for each one of us to be aware.  With manaakitanga hospitality, as one of our key Mercy values, it’s great when we can put it into practice.

May you all have a Happy and Holy Easter and lovely holiday break. My prayer is that you all stay safe and children return to school refreshed and ready for an exciting term of new learning!

Ka kite ano


2014-04-17T13:54:42+00:00 17th April 2014|