Week Three Term Two

Photo-0004This Monday, we were privileged to be visited by Archbishop Adrian Smith from the Solomon Islands.  The visit was facilitated by Laurentia Laracy and thank you for that. Bishop Adrian attended our Monday morning prayers and addressed the children briefly there.  Because all our mission fundraising efforts for Term 1 went to Caritas for the people of the Solomons, it was timely to hear from the Archbishop. Following prayers, Bishop Adrian, accompanied by Laurentia and Daniel, visited each class.

Monday also saw Kakariki Team  and the science Enrichment group heading off to Rangitoto for an exciting adventure. The weather was perfect. Everyone seemed to have the right attitude and energy levels and a great day was had by all, with plenty of learning occurring. Thank you very much to the parents who supported the children and teachers on the day.

Mata Hone was also at school on Monday, so Te Reo was in full force and the Kapa Haka Group from Kereru also had a session. They were taught the beginnings of a challenging waiata with more learning to take place next week.

On Tuesday, one teacher from each team spent some time learning about Mobile Device Management and shared their learning with the rest of us at staff meeting. The leadership team have been working on revising the reports which come out to parents. We have made some small changes to the format of these, hopefully making them clearer for parents and more positive for the children. Teachers are working on preparing these. Parent Teacher student conferences will be held on 19 and 26 June.

On Wednesday, Room 2 students and their teacher Mrs Theresa Cooper, who had all been busy preparing beforehand, welcomed a woman who is profoundly deaf, to their class, for an hour long lesson in NZ Sign Language and not a word was spoken! They were very impressed and are keen to learn more. Ask your child to show you what he or she has learnt. NZ sign language is an official language of NZ and anyone who learns it would be much in demand as an interpreter.

On Thursday evening, the Board of Trustees met in the staff room. There was a report on the Pastoral Care/Wellness/Inclusive School BOT audit and review, that was completed last term. Click on the attachment for more detail. Pastoral Care and Welling Audit 2014 Report (2) We also discussed the preparation needed for the building project and how the use of digital devices is progressing.

Friday was Pink shirt Day and there were some very creative variations of ‘pink shirt’! Thank you to all who supported the day and cause. $440.00 was raised today, thank you.

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The main message of prevention of bullying through education is what it is all about. It is worth reading the information on:  http://www.pinkshirtday.org.nz/     The interpretation of the words “bully” or “bullying” vary considerably. “Bullying behaviour is described in many different ways but most definitions include 3 distinct elements:

  • bullying is deliberately harmful aggressive behaviour
  • bullying is behaviour that is repeated over time
  • bullying involves a power imbalance between those who bully and those being bullied”    (What bullying behaviour is and is not (W2S research brief March 2012)

Have a wonderful weekend, enjoying this balmy weather while it lasts.I am away to Dunedin this weekend to the St Brigid’s School 75th Jubilee. I taught there in the 1980’s! The weather forecast doesn’t look so rosy there with snow forecast to 300 metres! I may get in some early skiing practice.

Ka kite ano


2014-05-23T15:50:59+00:00 23rd May 2014|