Week Five Term Two

On Wednesday, as you will see in the NEWS section, a group of children, with two Welsh staff members, went to Takapuna Primary School, to meet up and do some training with a young Welsh Rugby Team. I’m not sure who were more excited, the children or Erika Bon and Julie Kelly!

 Celebrate  Support Staff Day -12 June 2014

 Our school  will celebrate the unsung heroes of our education system, our support staff!. St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna  employs 7 support staff, including teacher aides and office administrators .

They all play a vital role in the smooth running of the school and ensuring your children receive the best education possible. This year we want to especially highlight the work of Valentina Abba, Julie Kelly, Hayley Mahuru, Wilma Hilhorst, Sioux Smith, Carol  Braithwaite  and Christianne Checksfield  who  contribute so much to our school.

On Thursday, Shane Coleman, BOT Chair, and I went to a meeting regarding the significant changes to the education system that have been proposed by the Government. It is heartening to see that the Government has set aside significant funding. It is disappointing that the bulk of it will go on salaries for a small proportion of teachers and Principals. I hope the Government listens to those who are working in education when we say we want the money to benefit the children and that the current proposal is unlikely to achieve that.

On Thursday afternoon, Kiwi Team – Rooms 14 & 15 – celebrated a beautiful liturgy based on the theme Friends, with Father Phil, their teachers,  parents and grandparents. On Friday morning, Kakariki Team – Rooms 1,2 & 3, celebrated Mass with the parish, their teachers and parents, at the 9.15 Mass and their focus was on the Holy Spirit.

Our House Captains held their House Meetings on Friday and if you hear any chanting related to their House, don’t be surprised. The House Captains are organising lunchtime activities for those who wish to take part.

Alphonsus House Families will join the parish for Mass next Sunday at 10.00 a.m. All families welcome.

Jessica Burton (teacher in Room 5) will be finishing this Friday, as she goes on maternity leave. Mrs Robyn McDougall will take over as class teacher for the rest of the year.Please pray for Jess as she embarks on this new phase in her life. We will miss her cheerful and positive presence in our school.

Today is Pentecost Sunday- the birthday of the church. Tomorrow at prayers the focus will be on Pentecost, so do come along first thing tomorrow! Our latest new entrants will also be welcomed tomorrow morning.

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3 Tuesday evenings on being Catholic- up to date information in our Parish Hall from 7-9 pm

This Tuesday it is: Spot The Catholic!  Features of Catholic faith

Sister Sian Owen, who is leading the sessions, is very in touch with today’s world and is a capable communicator. I don’t think it will be boring, in case you were worried about that!

Ka kite ano



2014-06-08T12:32:42+00:00 8th June 2014|