Week Nine Term Three

Chess Players St Joseph’s

Nadia Braganza, Conor Sheridan, Thomas Khedir and Marcus Joyce are representing the school at a Chess Tournament at St Pauls’ Massey next Thursday. Jane Sheridan has kindly offered to be their “manager”, chauffeur and support person. 

chess startersconor in action mmm where to next semi finals thinking strategies thinking


Modern Learning Environments

Modern Learning Environment (MLE) is a term used to refer to the places where learning happens. This includes traditional school/centre buildings as well as the learner’s home, community spaces and virtual (online) environments.” Core Education Modern Learning Environments Imagining the future of learning

Year 3 learning at Arataki

DSCF2760 DSCF2758 DSCF2756

Learning to be creative and Inventive – Creations and Inventions by some of the ACES group


Jump Rope for Heart

Thank you very much for your generosity in sponsorship of the children. $2,780.00 was donated to the Heart Foundation from St Joseph’s, as a result.

Next Friday, the 26 September, will be a Mufti Day, with a gold coin donation to see if we can dig deep and raise as much money as possible to support one of our families in dire need. One of our fathers, a young man in his 30’s, has suffered a severe stroke. He is the sole breadwinner for his wife and 2 children. Thank God he is on the road to recovery, but it will be a long haul. Thank you so much for the families who have supported the family so far, with prayer, preparation of meals, child minding, transport and so on. It has been suggested that we have a mufti day to provide a much needed injection of cash, which, as we all know, will be very helpful.

MATHLETICS During Term 3, St Joseph’s School (Takapuna) had 386 registered students using Mathletics to complement their learning. The initial figures show the average score for a student first attempting an activity and the average maximum score the students achieved for an activity – identifying progression.

Average 1st attempt 74.0%
Average top attempt 96.3%

Other data

School total Avg per student
Curriculum correct answers 79099 204.9
Live Mathletics points 137259 355.6


 Top 3 Students


The following three students mastered the most concepts at St Joseph’s School (Takapuna) in term 3.  A student is deemed to have mastered a concept when they’ve achieved over 85% in a curriculum activity; concepts mastered identifies a depth and spread of knowledge.

Student Name Class Concepts
Savion Naoum 12 81
Terrence Tecson 7 60
Moira Macdonald 5 56


 Top 3 classes


The following classes achieved the most mastered concepts.

Class teacher

Concepts mastered

Katie O’Brien Room 2


Breanna Viskovich Room 7


Gabrielle Bateman Room 9



Kakapo Team held a Sharing the Learning morning, including a beautiful liturgy on church and service, for parents and grandparents on Wednesday. Kakariki Team held their Sharing the Learning for their parents early Friday morning, followed by an assembly.

A site meeting was held on Wednesday morning which includes Watershed, the Project Management Company, Savory Construction, Adams De La Mare the architects and school and BOT representatives. The building project is progressing well and is up to date. For those of you who haven’t been in lately, footings and foundations are being worked on at present.

We are having some problems with visitors to the site and the school grounds after hours causing damage and attempting to light fires. If you happen to be passing the school any evening, a casual drive through to help us keep any eye on the place would be helpful. If you spot what looks like suspicious behaviour, please ring the police.

We love to have parents present at prayer time in the morning. What we would like is that you join the children in praying, turn off cell phones and be truly part of what is happening rather than just being an observer. It can be a precious few moments of reflection before the busyness of the day takes over.

Remember that there is Mass at 9.15 on Monday for most classes (excluding the first 3 classes going swimming) to start off Mercy Week and School Prayer On FRIDAY at 8.50 to conclude Mercy Week. After prayers, there will be certificates for Cross Country, ICAS, Kids for Kids and also some class awards. The choir will also perform some of their items from Kids for Kids Concert.

I will be away in Invercargill at the New Zealand Principals’ Conference from Tuesday onward. There will be no newsletter next week. School finishes at the normal time on Friday 26 and term four commences at 8.50 a.m. on Monday 13 October.

May everyone have a safe and happy holiday!

God bless!


PS HOT OFF THE PRESS! We have reached the $1000.oo target for raising funds for the caring Foundation!  Wonderful result-the combination of the term’s mission money.

2014-09-19T15:20:17+00:00 19th September 2014|