Week Three Term Four

We are happy to share the great achievements in swimming of Raewen Puntanar “Pride of St Joseph’s Room 5”.


She qualified and competed in Auckland Distance and Relays 2014 and came 1st (Gold Medal) in 200m Freestyle Relay.


She was also the Silver Medallist – 10 Years Overall Champion 2014 of North Shore Swimming Club (NSS) and received Eight NSS certificates (1st 200 Freestyle; 1st 100 Breaststroke; 2nd 100 Individual Medley; 2nd 200 Breaststroke; 2nd 100 Butterfly; 2nd 50 Butterfly; 2nd 50 Breaststroke; 2nd 100 Freestyle)


She was awarded the 2014 Millennium Institute of Sports and Health Dolphins Cup.


Raewen also qualified to compete 7 swimming events on Auckland Junior Championship on 22-23 November 2014.  She is also trying her best to qualify her times for National Junior Championship on February 2015.


The North Shore Swimming Club commented that Raewen’s contribution to training is exceptional.  She is focused and trains so hard at every session.  She is such a great achiever and has attained a lot of skills and techniques.

Victorious Raewyn Raewyn Puntanar Club Champion Raewyn


I am so proud of all our learners here at St Joseph’s. They are constantly improving what they can achieve. Teachers are excited because as they move toward the final assessments for the year, they can see the amazing progress that most children make in many areas of learning, attitude, organisation and participation.


One area we have been working hard in is supporting our Years 4-6 students, in a variety of ways, to  really develop their writing skills so that are motivated to write, have the skills to do so,  the persistence to keep trying, the courage to take risks and the openness to listen to feedback that might help them improve.  Here is an example of a piece of writing by a Year 6 boy, Timothy Blewden, which I am sure you will love to read:


“Gentle waves cascaded across the vast sea as a calm, cool breeze swept over the beach. A peaceful feeling settled and all was good.


The laughter of small, excited children littered the air and dogs barked energetically. Sandcastles dominated the shore as kids enthusiastically ran in circles, giggles escaping from their ice-cream covered mouths.


Fun in the sun, all day long. Busy, yet organised. Everyone working in harmony….


If only the whole, entire world was like this.”


On the beach in Auckland

The Building Programme

Progress continues, with works up to date. Ribs and floor spans have been completed as have all the ground floor footings. The foundations for the verandah are underway and the ground floor block work is finished.  In the next 2 weeks, the structural steel will be installed on the first floor and the boxing for that floor will start.


#L2L Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s

Ultimately, we know where we want to go with the learners – āko, who come to St Joseph’s for their primary schooling. We want them to leave here with a love of God, love of learning and being people who have generous attitude. This only happens if we are on the same page, and work together. Thank God this does happen at St Joseph’s.



The BOT met last night and focused mainly on strategic planning covering topics such as our school vision, shared values and beliefs about learning, thinking deeply about the educational needs of the children today, preparing them for their future; thinking about the new buildings and how they may impact positively on the teaching and learning that will happen there; future professional learning needs for staff; what kind of devices and technologies might we look at now; what areas of learning could we be considering engaging specialists to do e.g. music, languages; how can we become more involved in the community and vice versa; the financial implications of all or some of these.  We also talked about preparing for the move into the new buildings; planning for the Opening and Blessing Ceremony and the landscaping plan and project that we need to embark on! Exciting times!


Ingrid Young spoke about the trialling of BYOD   Bring Your Own Devices in the Year 4 classes and of the benefits and advantages that both she and the children are finding.



From next year, all Years 4-6 students will be allowed to bring their own device to use at school for learning. This is not compulsory. We have strict rules and protocols around this and all parents will be fully informed. We have devices in each classroom so no child will miss out.

We recommend Chrome Books as worth considering, if you are purchasing. However, any device that can use Google Docs, is fine. If unsure, talk to Ingrid Young, Room 4, or email ingridy@gmail.com and she can advise you. If your child in Year 6 next year, is going to a college that stipulates a particular device, we have no problem with that being used here.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mariam Doria, who died on Tuesday and whose funeral is at 11.30 on Saturday  at St Thomas More Glenfield.

God bless! Stay safe.  Have a great weekend.



2014-10-31T17:11:40+00:00 31st October 2014|