Newsletter Week Six Term One

Our Term’s Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values are

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

Lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

The Learning Model for our school is: “To Know To Do To Use”

Key Competencies

Capabilities for living and lifelong learning

The New Zealand Curriculum identifies five key competencies: • thinking • using language, symbols, and texts • managing self • relating to others • participating and contributing.


Shared Values: As a school we believe that:

  • our Special Catholic Character permeates every part of our school
  • primary school provides a foundation for lifelong learning
  • all children can achieve success in aspects of school life
  • education provides for the development of the whole person
  • children deserve a high level of education in a safe, secure and happy environment
  • education is a partnership between school and family
  • future focused teaching and learning incorporates the key ideas of diversity, coherence and  connectedness

The beliefs that underpin our teaching and learning are that:

  • learning is holistic –spiritual, physical, emotional, social, intellectual
  • children learn best in an environment where respect and dignity prevail
  • all children can become independent, self-directed learners
  • children learn best when they know what it is they are learning and why
  • children learn if they are motivated and receive and can act on specific feedback

Children leaving our school will:

  • be equipped for success in future learning through well-developed literacy and numeracy skills
  • have a grounding in Christian values for life
  • be able to think critically and creatively
  • place a high value on healthy living and  participation in physical activity
  • care and have a deep respect for other people, cultures, religions and for the environment
  • have confidence and be able to relate positively to others
  • be able to set goals and evaluate their achievements and progress
  • enjoy learning and be confident to take risks
  • have pride in themselves
  • have a growth mindset

They will be:

  • communicators
  • problem solvers
  • creative thinkers
  • risk takers
  • resilient
  • enthusiastic
  • contributors


The Building Programme

At any one time we have up to 30 workers on site and as you can see their progress is quite rapid. The roof flashings, insulation, block work, weather boards and 1st and 2nd  floor windows are almost complete and the roof and exterior framing have been completed. You may have noticed that the second staircase is in place as well.

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Nick and Phineas trying hats for size!


Long Jump More Finals Quoit Throwing Sheer Determination ShotPut Sprint finals Sprints 2 Sprints 3 SprintsYear 6 Sprint Finals Year 2 Champions Who is going to win Where is the end Stiff Competition


Thank you to Moira and Penny’s Granddad for the photos. Thank you to Kea Team and parent helpers for making the day run so smoothly. Thank you to the athletes who competed so well! Sprint & Jump Certificates this Monday.



Every year the BOT provides a report to the Ministry of Education about the achievement of our students. As a BOT targets are set each year after analysis of needs from the previous year’s data. The reading results submitted from 2014 data are shared with you below:   (The categories used are determined by the Ministry of Education, so not all ethnicities are included in the table)


Achievement in Writing – all levels

Well below Below At Above Total
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number
All students 6 1.7% 61 17.3% 225 63.9% 60 17% 352


We continue to support learners who are achieving below and the children who are achieving at will be supported and encouraged to see if they can lift their achievement a notch or two! To be the best we can be!

Robot comes to School

Hamish Speed in Home Group 2 is an enthusiastic builder and machine maker. “I have always been fascinated with machines and love reading and finding out how they work,” he told Room 1.

Last week he demonstrated his talent in his engineering design by explaining the techniques of constructing a Lego robotic machine. Room 1 watched in awe as he moved his robot machine back and forth around a narrow space. Thank you Hamish for sharing your unique talent with us.

Reporters Home Group 1

Remember to register for SHORE TO SHORE! We have 61 registered now, but maybe some more can make it to this event. Unfortunately, it does clash with Palm Sunday so maybe your family could go to Mass on either Saturday night, Sunday afternoon or evening so that you can accommodate both? 

Nga mihi.   God bless!    Have a wonderful weekend.   Phil

2015-03-13T17:15:39+00:00 13th March 2015|