Newsletter Week 5 Term 2

Week Five Term 2 2015

Our Term’s Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

Key Competencies*

Capabilities for living and lifelong learning

The New Zealand Curriculum identifies five key competencies: • thinking • using language, symbols, and texts • managing self • relating to others • participating and contributing.


St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model


TO KNOW              What Do I Know?                 What Do I Need to Know?


TO DO                       What Do I Need To Do?      How Do I Do This?


TO USE         How will I Use What I Am Learning?      What Other Ways Can I Use It?

Click on images to enlarge



Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love, so that we can share it with all people.

Science Learning Kakariki Team HG5

HG4 Great question Shereen HG4 reactions with sodium HG4 Safety first HG4 Science Learning HG4 HG4 Scientific Team HG4 Scientists HG4

Experimenting  Predicting Questioning Chemical Reactions Outcomes


Key Competencies*


Developing key competencies needed for life

During your child’s time at school they will develop a range of skills and capabilities (key competencies) that will help them to do well in life.

The world is different these days. It’s an exciting time for children to grow up in.

It’s not enough for children to just keep learning more information at the expense of learning how to use that information and work with others.

As well as learning about a variety of subjects, children need to learn how to learn, how to think for themselves, think alongside others, and be motivated to keep on learning throughout their lives – so that they can do well in their world.

Key competencies help your child learn these things. They are included in the New Zealand Curriculum and are woven into all the teaching that goes on at school.

The key competencies are:

  • thinking
  • using language, symbols, and texts
  • managing self
  • relating to others
  • participating and contributing.

They are not just for school, but for life.  Once you know about them, you will be able to see that your child uses these key competencies in many different situations – at home, at sport, at church, at cultural occasions, and eventually at work.    (from


The Building Programme

P1070328 P1070329 P1070330

The blue strip has now been extended from the windows across the front of the building. The School Name (in aluminium, will be displayed across there.

You can also see that the canopy between the new building and the administration block is now under construction and we are hoping that will make a lovely entrance and also provide shelter for children waiting for “Pick Up”


Consultation with Families

Thank you so much to our families who took part in two different consultation evenings this month. It is so lovely to have a chance to meet informally, for our Board of Trustees members to get to know more of you, and for us together to work on the important job of building community and collaborating to ensure our children’s learning and wellbeing is at the forefront of all we do.




Dates to note:

Pentecost Sunday this Sunday!

REMEMBER!! Sunday 24 May Alphonsus House Family Mass 10.00 a.m. St Joseph’s Church Takapuna – all school families are welcome.


Remember to pray for Reagan Lai who is in hospital after suffering severe injuries in a car accident.


Ka kite ano!  God bless!   



2015-05-23T15:38:32+00:00 23rd May 2015|