Newsletter Week 4 Term 3 2015

Week Four Term 3 2015


 The feast of the Assumption of Mary.

How can we apply this teaching to our everyday lives?

According to Pope Benedict XVI:

By contemplating Mary in heavenly glory, we understand that the earth is not the definitive homeland for us either, and that if we live with our gaze fixed on eternal goods we will one day share in this same glory and the earth will become more beautiful.

Consequently, we must not lose our serenity and peace even amid the thousands of daily difficulties. The luminous sign of Our Lady taken up into Heaven shines out even more brightly when sad shadows of suffering and violence seem to loom on the horizon.

We may be sure of it: from on high, Mary follows our footsteps with gentle concern, dispels the gloom in moments of darkness and distress, and reassures us with her motherly hand.

Supported by awareness of this, let us continue confidently on our path of Christian commitment wherever Providence may lead us. Let us forge ahead in our lives under Mary’s guidance [General Audience, August 16, 2006].

Read more:

This  Term’s

Living and Learning Focus is


Our School Values

Tina Justice, Pono Truth, Aroha Compassion, Manaakitanga Hospitality and Tapu Respect for the Environment

lived out in our Motto

Courtesy Care Co-operation Courage

Learning to Learn at St Joseph’s  #L2L

St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna Learning Model


TO KNOW           What Do I Know?                  What Do I Need to Know?


TO DO                  What Do I Need To Do?        How Do I Do This?


TO USE                 How will I Use What I Am Learning? 

What Other Ways Can I Use It?

2015 speech finalists 2015 winners in speech competitionclick on photos to enlarge

On Monday this week, 11 finalists in the School Speech Competition, presented their speeches to Kakariki and Kereru Teams and to parents and teachers. The quality of presentation and content was outstanding and the contestants should be very proud of themselves.

The winner was Ginger Vargas with a speech entitled “Why We Should Stand Up To Bullies”. In second place, was Cole Johns with “Speeches” and third place was awarded to Alexandra Williams with “If I Could Rule the World.”

Ginger will compete in the North Shore Cluster Final on Monday 31 August here at St Joseph’s,

Something to think about! How You Can Help: What can parents do to help kids thrive in the 21st century?

“As a parent, you play a critical role in preparing your children to live, work and lead in a rapidly changing world. It is critical for students to graduate ready with the right skills for the world they will enter, and with an understanding of what it takes to be a productive citizen in the 21st century— civically literate, globally competent and digitally literate.

Even at the youngest ages, children benefit from family engaged in their education. By reinforcing the importance of 21st Century Skills through age-appropriate activities at home and at school, you can help your child learn how to participate in your community and the world in productive ways.”

 pdfTips and Strategies 
(Download PDF)

An extract from: What is 21st Century Learning and Citizenship all about?




All of our families, ex-families and parishioners are invited to the blessing and opening of our lovely new  building, which will be held on 8 September (Our Lady’s birthday!) starting at 10.30 a.m. Please pass this invitation on to people you know who have had connections with the school.

Kakapo Team have moved in!

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A great team of parents, teachers, Mr Kelly and children moved the furniture for Kakariki Team. The children will “take possession” on Monday 17! Thank you to the parents who came to help out.

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On Wednesday, the next group of new entrants, with their families, arrived for their first school visit in Home Group 15.




Kea Team HG11 & 12 celebrated their class liturgy, on Thursday afternoon, with parents, grandparents and Father Phil. Thank you to all who came along and supported this.

HG !! & 12 2


Kea Team, Home Groups 13 and 14 invited their grandparents into their learning spaces on Thursday afternoon to share their learning with them and to hear from their granparents what life was like when they were children.


Here is a story that Milly L (HG14) wrote before they came:


“Today our grandparents are coming to school. We are showing them around the school and they will be spoilt. We are going to do songs for them.”


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RIPPA RUGBY Tournament

The Teams who represented our school on Thursday were great athletes and sportspeople. Thank you to the adults who coached and supported the teams. All teams had a very successful day and it was great to see how the team members were encouraging each other and worked together. The way that the senior teams supported the younger players really showed St Joseph’s School spirit!




Welcome back to Alec Y who has recently returned from playing golf in the USA.

“On the 6th hole, I was in the lead until some of my players just got one shot below my score. Then on the 9th hole, I had an eagle putt to tie and come either first, second or third on a playoff, but I just missed an eagle putt and slid around the hole. It was disappointing so instead of doing a playoff, I came fourth out of my age group.


Have a lovely weekend.

Ma te Atua manaaki!  God bless!   




2015-08-16T14:43:05+00:00 16th August 2015|