Our School Values

Learning to Live and Learn at St. Joseph’s


Value Kids Speak

What it looks like.

(behaviour and attitude)

Matching quote  from  Catherine McAuley  and  a gospel story
Tika – Justice Fairness for all

Be like Jesus

Looks like Forgiveness

Sharing taking turns

Matthew 18: The man who wouldn’t forgive.“God does not look at the action but at the spirit motivating it.” Catherine McCauley
Pono -Truth Being honest

Telling the truth.

Owning up and taking responsibility for our actions.

Jesus is questioned by Pilot. (Matt 27 11-14).       Arrest of Jesus (John 18, 5-9)Catherine McAuley “I have great confidence in you to do what you think best.  State your opinion and always act with courage.”
Aroha – Compassion Look  after each  other Helping SharingSpeak kind wordsInclude others“How would you feel  if it was you?” John 13:34‘A new commandment I give to you,  that  you love one another, even as I have loved you that you love one anotherCatherine McAuley: “The tender mercy of God has given us one another ““A person expands like a delicate flower to the touch of sympathy, kindness and understanding.” Austen Carroll
Manaakitanga – Hospitality Be kind to others SmilingSharingIncluding othersMannersWelcoming Loaves and fishes John 6:9Humility and Hospitality Luke 14:7-14Catherine McAuley“Try to meet all with peace and love.”
Tapu –Respect for our environment Keep our environment happy Stash your trash Worm farmRecycle, Reuse, ReduceGardens stay neat if you keep out your feet Genesis Chapter 1:26-31Catherine McCauley : “Prayer is a plant, the seed of which is sown in the heart of every Christian, but it’s growth entirely depends on the care we take to nourish it.”
2012-06-01T14:40:52+00:00 1st June 2012|