Week Eight Term One
Aotearoa New Zealand te rangi tahi together we grow In getting to know the children in our school, we want to recognise the identity, language and culture of each one. Because we have very many [...]
Aotearoa New Zealand te rangi tahi together we grow In getting to know the children in our school, we want to recognise the identity, language and culture of each one. Because we have very many [...]
Thank you to all the parents and children who supported The Patuone Family Mass on Sunday 16 March and a special thank you to the choir and to the children who read and took part [...]
Week Six began in our usual way with Prayers in the Hall led by Year 6 students who told us the story of the Transfiguration. We welcomed a host of lovely new entrants for Rooms [...]
Thank you so much to Kea Teaching Team - Gabrielle, Kathryn, Debbie and Diana- and Cate from Kiwi, for their organisation of the day; to all the staff for their involvement; to the amazing parents [...]
I was behind the eight ball last week, so this week here is a double dose on what's been happening here at St Joseph's! On the 27 February the Principals of the Catholic Primary Schools [...]
Years 5 & 6 students, their teachers and an extraordinary group of parent helpers took off for camp on Monday morning. Thank you to everyone for your car park patience! All the stories I have [...]
What a wonderful week we have had, starting in the Hall on Monday morning with School Prayer, focusing on Attitude, ably led by Year 6 students! We also welcomed all our new students and their families. [...]
Kia ora tatou! It is surprising how quickly everyone got back into the swing of things, starting with a great attitude, ready to learn. We must all have had a great holiday! Teachers had been [...]
A very big welcome to everyone as we start a new school year! It's very exciting to be beginning another year of learning adventures. This year we are starting off with ATTITUDE! I look forward [...]
Well here we are at the end of the 2013 school year! It seems hard to believe and even the children think the year has gone quickly. On Monday night we celebrated the Graduation of [...]