Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

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So far Alister Bridgman has created 412 posts.

Pentecost – the birthday of the Church!

In classes we are learning about Pentecost Sunday which is this Sunday, May 19th Follow this Youtube link for a 2 minute clear and simple explanation of Pentecost   WHAT HAPPENED ON PENTECOST? Ten [...]

2013-05-17T15:26:09+00:00 17th May 2013|

More on The Year of Faith The faith facts for Term 2 are quotes from Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis, on the theme of Porta Fidei, the Door of Faith. He says, ‘Whereas a closed door [...]

2013-05-17T15:03:02+00:00 17th May 2013|

Scientists at St Joseph’s

Science in a Van arrived at our school on Wednesday. The scientists captivated the children's interest. They were amazed at the sophisticated science knowledge and understanding shown by our Years 4,5, & 6 students!   Bubbles I [...]

2013-05-17T10:14:45+00:00 17th May 2013|

First Eucharist and Confirmation

We pray this weekend for the more than 80 children from the parish and school who are receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist this Saturday afternoon. May the occasion be one that is extra special: filled with joy [...]

2013-05-10T14:20:21+00:00 10th May 2013|

Mothers’ Day

  Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.” - Anonymous A-Mothers-Love     (right click on your mouse and open link to read a lovely reflection on the value of [...]

2013-05-10T14:09:50+00:00 10th May 2013|

Library News

Library News   Just to let you all know that we are having two book fairs this year (as we did last year)  The first one from Scholastic books will be from 30th May to [...]

2013-05-10T10:18:21+00:00 10th May 2013|


Happy Easter to everyone in our school family!  May your hearts and minds be filled with  hope, peace and joy of this Easter season! Phil   HOPE Hope never gives up. Hope looks forward to [...]

2013-03-28T11:30:52+00:00 28th March 2013|

Easter is almost upon us!

EASTER TIMETABLE 2013  Listed below are the ceremonies for Holy Week and Easter. This time is the most important part of the Church or Liturgical Year.  ST JOSEPH'S CHURCH,TAKAPUNA 28 March - HOLY THURSDAY Mass [...]

2013-03-22T13:49:31+00:00 22nd March 2013|
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