Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

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About Alister Bridgman

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So far Alister Bridgman has created 412 posts.

Prayers and Reflections for Holy Week

THE BETRAYAL Jesus gazed at Judas with love. There had been a change in Jesus’ friend, Judas. Frequent absences from their gatherings. Angry talk of rebellion with others. Disagreements about Jesus’ mission. Yes, Judas had [...]

2013-03-22T13:40:44+00:00 22nd March 2013|

Snow Planet

This week is EOTC week which means Education Outside The Classroom. One of the many events Rooms 1 to 4 have been doing is Snow Planet. It was a fun but a bit chilly  in [...]

2013-03-18T10:20:41+00:00 18th March 2013|

Exciting Days at St Joseph's!

There is certainly always something of interest going on at school!  Thank you so much to all the parents who have already supported our Education Outside the Classroom Activities and to those who have volunteered [...]

2013-03-08T15:00:28+00:00 8th March 2013|

Athletics Day

February  25  was an enjoyable day for all, because  it was Athletics Day. The school was split into their house groups, boys and girls,  rotating around the school. The activities were High Jump,  Sprints 50 and [...]

2013-03-04T12:27:50+00:00 4th March 2013|

Week Four

It doesn't take long before everything is back in full swing and our days are busy and exciting. Our Athletics Day on Monday was great fun and the children really participated well and were great [...]

2013-03-01T11:14:34+00:00 1st March 2013|

Living and Learning at St Joseph's

At our school we really try to develop in the children the skills and abilities to take responsibility for their behaviour, attitudes and learning. This can start as soon as they start school. We use the following: [...]

2013-02-22T15:19:52+00:00 22nd February 2013|

The Year of Faith

As it is the Year of Faith this year our  newsletters will feature a Faith Fact for families to read and talk about. This is one way we will share our faith during this year [...]

2013-02-22T14:51:58+00:00 22nd February 2013|

Welcome back to School!

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." Welcome to all as we start our 2013 school year and a special welcome to our new children and their [...]

2013-02-08T14:28:23+00:00 8th February 2013|

Reporting from Room 4

As part of Library skills and ICT skills the senior children in room 4 have been working on newspaper articles to go into our Newsletter.  Each group of children chose a different topic to report [...]

2012-12-17T12:46:10+00:00 17th December 2012|
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