Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

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So far Alister Bridgman has created 412 posts.

A family Prayer For Christmas

O Jesus, Our Savior, Thank you for Living among us And showing us the Way to God. Thank you For being born at Christmas. Your presence among us is our Greatest gift. Thank you, too, [...]

2012-12-14T14:20:19+00:00 14th December 2012|

Advent-Preparation for Christmas

This weekend marks the beginning of the season of Advent. Advent is a term from the Latin word 'adventus' which means "arrival". It is a time of waiting for the arrival of Christmas, the coming of Jesus [...]

2012-11-30T10:33:15+00:00 30th November 2012|

Summing up and Going Forward!

At last night's BOT meeting, our plan going forward for ICT, was presented. Within the next few months we will be developing a managed wireless network in preparation for the increase in devices that will be used by the [...]

2012-11-30T09:52:45+00:00 30th November 2012|

St Joseph's Cultural Festival

Children, parents and teachers are all busy preparing for this event which is on Friday 7 December starting at 5 p.m. This is one of our main end of year events for the whole school community [...]

2012-11-30T07:58:57+00:00 30th November 2012|

Principal for a Day

What! A year 5 is your school Principal? That might sound odd but that is what happened to Fergus Lee from Room 1, St Joseph’s Takapuna on Tuesday November 20. Fergus’s family won a school [...]

2012-11-30T07:58:37+00:00 30th November 2012|

Team 3 Flash Mob

Team 3 have been busy with their Flash Mob dance.  The dance incorporates aspects of some of Aotearoa's many cultures. The children are preparing for our St Joseph's Cultural Festival 2012.

2012-11-27T15:16:56+00:00 27th November 2012|

Praise God for our Beautiful World

Praise I’ve been looking for a suitable word to praise you, Lord. Something enthusiastic but not too formal, the sort of happy shout a child gives to its mother. I’ve tried Hallelujahs, Gloria’s and Hosannas, [...]

2012-11-09T16:02:36+00:00 9th November 2012|

Year of Faith

  Celebrating  the Year of Faith, Oct 2012 – Nov 2013   The Year of Faith coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council.  It is an invitation to everyone [...]

2012-11-09T10:28:17+00:00 9th November 2012|
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