Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

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About Alister Bridgman

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So far Alister Bridgman has created 412 posts.

Room 5 and 6's Family Picnic

Rooms 5 and 6 have been learning about carrying on Jesus' mission of service for R.E.  We thought that one way of carrying out our mission could be to show the people in our lives [...]

2012-09-28T11:28:45+00:00 28th September 2012|

School History Time continued!

After day pupils were admitted in 1930, the roll continued to rise slowly. By 1935, it had reached 91 and two years later climbed to 114. There were 4 teachers then, including Sister Mary Berchmans, [...]

2012-09-07T08:03:54+00:00 7th September 2012|

100 Days of Learning in Room 9

Every day we have been counting the number of days we have been at school. We have recorded this on our place value chart in class. When 100 days came up, we celebrated. Mrs Yilmaz made [...]

2012-08-29T09:40:07+00:00 29th August 2012|

Learning to Live and Learn at St. Joseph’s

Mercy Values Tika – Justice                   Pono – Truth                        Aroha – Compassion Manaakitanga – Hospitality                   Tapu – Respect (for our Environment) These values are interwoven in all we try to do here at school. Like with everything [...]

2012-08-23T17:56:45+00:00 23rd August 2012|

The History of our School

" What is now known as St Joseph's Takapuna was christened  St Mary's Industrial School in 1846 by Bishop Pompallier.He started the building before leaving for Europe in search of priests and nuns for New [...]

2015-11-02T07:14:17+00:00 17th August 2012|

Digital Learning in Room 1

How did being a medal winner make you feel?In Room 1 digital learning is a key part of every day. We use it throughout the curriculum and especially enjoy the RE digital resource that the [...]

2012-08-10T09:48:42+00:00 10th August 2012|
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