Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

Follow this Author: Alister Bridgman

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About Alister Bridgman

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So far Alister Bridgman has created 412 posts.

Cross Country – 20 August

Cross Country 2020 We will be holding our school cross country on Thursday, 20th August.  The order that the year levels will run is: 9.15am: Year 0 girls then Year 0 boys Then: Year 1 [...]

2020-08-06T12:36:57+00:00 6th August 2020|

Litterless Lunch / First Holy Communion

Litterless Lunches  The Eco leaders of St Joseph’s have come up with a new challenge for students: Litterless Lunches! “We are doing this to reduce the amount of litter that St Joseph’s creates.’’ says Nic [...]

2020-08-04T09:10:48+00:00 4th August 2020|

Ministry of Education Update – 28 July

Testing remains fundamental to our Covi-19 response A combination of very low rates of influenza-like illness (currently 10 – 20% of normal rates) and people declining Covid-19 tests, is making it more difficult for health [...]

2020-07-28T12:49:35+00:00 28th July 2020|
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