Follow this Author: juliek

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So far juliek has created 151 posts.

Kiwi's learning Croation

  Why learn Croatian? Speaking a second language enhances brain development, improves cognitive skills and helps prevent dementia in old age. Children who learn a second language develop better skills at problem solving and critical [...]

2012-08-30T08:43:56+00:00 30th August 2012|

Behind the scenes J Rock

Olivia G, Olivia S, Natalia and Nina                         Thomas, Ned, Sam and Jacob           Olivia G, Olivia S, Natalia, NIna [...]

2012-07-26T11:50:54+00:00 26th July 2012|


  At the end of Term 2 the students in Room 7 & 8 held a cake sale to raise funds for our sponsored child in East Timor. While this sounds simple, in reality it [...]

2012-07-16T14:56:28+00:00 16th July 2012|

Shackleton Bear by Room 11

Shackleton Bear is a bear who travelled with a crew to the South Pole. He learnt that it was very cold Brrrr..! John and Shackleton Bear went exploring. They discovered the sea lions [...]

2012-05-31T10:24:52+00:00 31st May 2012|

Character Parade

Below are some of the characters from the Book Fair Character Parade  Camille Room13 is dressed as Cinderella and Ms O'Connell-Cooper as 'Miss Nancy Alison Delacourt Cooper' from the book' Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge' [...]

2013-05-17T09:13:34+00:00 23rd May 2012|

Shield and cup win!!

Congratulations to Darcy Room 8. Darcy received the Shield  for coming 1st in all  Club Championships for Takapuna Athletics Club. In addition she received the Cup for most 1st place wins  during the athletics season.

2012-05-17T17:42:10+00:00 17th May 2012|

“What’s the Tweet?”

 In Room 5 we have been learning what it means to be cyper-saavy.  With the increase in Cyber bullying I thought it was important to allow the children to experience what it means to be [...]

2012-05-04T15:24:22+00:00 4th May 2012|
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