NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3
NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3 CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Courtesy Care Co-Operation Courage Have you completed our Charter review survey? Over this term the Board, staff and I will be looking at our Charter, in relation [...]
NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3 CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Courtesy Care Co-Operation Courage Have you completed our Charter review survey? Over this term the Board, staff and I will be looking at our Charter, in relation [...]
NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 1 CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Welcome We welcomed all our students back on Monday. It was wonderful to see them all again and hear their stories of their break. At [...]
Home Groups 13 and 14 helped their buddy to bring their Lenten Challenge to the office. The food items and toiletries etc go to the Parish Office foodbank. The items are always in demand and the [...]
Our wonderful helpers for story writing. All around our school there are places to pray.
CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Lenten Reflection Opening our eyes to see as God sees “Let us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds [...]
CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Lenten Reflection Encountering God in Unlikely People and Places “Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the ove of Jesus to others, and this can happen [...]
CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Lenten Reflection Do You Want To Fast This Lent? Fast from hurting words and say kind words Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude Fast from anger [...]
Tania Dalton – Rest in Peace Tania, Duane, Tayla, Charlie and Mattie have been in the prayers of the staff, students and school community, over this last week. We were deeply saddened to receive news [...]
BABY NEWS We were delighted to welcome Jack to our school community. He came for a visit at lunch time today and we took him on a tour. The students were delighted to finally meet [...]
School Mass We had a lovely School Mass, Wednesday this week, celebrated by Monsignor David. The focus for the Mass was our theme for the 2017 school year “New Beginnings” “Timatanga Hou”. The students sang [...]