Just a Reminder – Sports Registrations for Term 1 Close Friday
Sports Registrations for Term 1, 2023 Welcome back to Term 1 2023. We invite your teams to register to play the following sports for St Joseph’s Primary School in Term 1 (there will be more [...]
School Uniform Purchases
Dear Parents Secondhand Uniforms There is a limited range of secondhand uniforms available at the school office. You are welcome to email or call in to see if we have the uniform items you require. [...]
Sport Registrations for Term 1, 2023
Sports Registrations for Term 1 2023 Welcome back to Term 1 2023. We invite your teams to register to play the following sports for St Joseph's Primary School in Term 1 (there will be more [...]
Mufti Day Tomorrow For Last Day of School
Dear Parents & Caregivers... We have invited the children to put their uniforms aside tomorrow for our last half day of school. They are welcome to wear "mufti" (weekend clothes) to school on Friday 16th [...]