Thank You from Tauranga – Mrs Hamilton

Thank You from Tauranga Please accept my thanks for the many good wishes expressed on our new adventures in Tauranga. I am at present enjoying house hunting but I'm really missing St Joseph's, especially the [...]

2014-05-16T09:09:54+00:00 16th May 2014|

Week One Term 2

Happy Mothers' Day to all our wonderful Mothers and Grandmothers! Hopefully your day was not like this! But rather more something like this....   A Mother's Prayer For You ~Anon   I said a Mother's [...]

2014-05-11T18:52:00+00:00 11th May 2014|

Last Week of Term 1

    Holy Week has been marked in many ways by our children. This has been  really noticeable in their morning prayer and religious education learning, and  in the exceptionally generous response to the Pacific- [...]

2014-04-17T13:54:42+00:00 17th April 2014|

Solomon Islands Mufti Day – Thank you!!

Kakariki team felt saddened by the disaster in the Solomon Islands and suggested the school hold a Pacific themed mufti day.They advertised and included ideas of what to wear in one of the Monday the School prayer [...]

2014-04-17T14:04:59+00:00 17th April 2014|

Heading into Passion Week

As we head into Passion week the students in our school are focusing on listening and responding to the Easter Stories, knowing  the symbols associated with the Easter stories,  participating in a simple liturgy and [...]

2014-04-11T12:21:10+00:00 11th April 2014|

Week Ten Whizzes by!

Whew! What a week! Before the week  even started, we celebrated the wedding of Meidy Iskandar to Paul Lambert at St Mary's Church Northcote, on Saturday the 5 April. What a beautiful bride! Congratulations to [...]

2014-04-11T12:18:25+00:00 11th April 2014|

Happenings from Week Nine

There has been a lot of sickness lately for both staff and children. It is timely to remind children about "safe sneezing" " hand washing"  "nose blowing" "tissue disposal". While we can't control the bugs, [...]

2014-04-04T10:34:52+00:00 4th April 2014|


Water project Auki Sometimes we can take our water taps for granted. It is very different in parts of the Pacific. The people of Auki in Solomon Islands understand how important access to fresh water [...]

2014-03-28T16:06:23+00:00 28th March 2014|

Week Eight Term One

Aotearoa New Zealand te rangi tahi together we grow In getting to know the children in our school, we want to recognise the identity, language and culture of each one.  Because we have very many [...]

2014-03-28T16:05:27+00:00 28th March 2014|
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