Newsletter 2019/17 – May 31
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/17 - May 31 Board of Trustees Message This week we have had the Education Review Office [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/17 - May 31 Board of Trustees Message This week we have had the Education Review Office [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/16 - May 24 Principal's Message On Tuesday May 28 next week we celebrate NZ Catholic Schools [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/15 - May 17 Principal's Message Thank you to our Board of Trustees who had their final [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/14 - May 10 Principal Message It was wonderful to welcome back the students to school for the [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/13 - May 6 WELCOME A big welcome to our new students ... Aleina, Andrea, Danielle, Ethan, Isaac, Isabel, JM, Madeline, Melania, Mikhail, Morgan, Tarquin We [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/12 - April 18 Prayers Our prayers are with Emma Washer-Hartley, her husband and her family. Emma [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA Board of Trustees Newsletter - Term 1 2019 Welcome to the newsletter from your school board for term [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA Board of Trustees Submission Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together Submission on the Report by the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent [...]
We have a confirmed case of Whooping cough at our school. As this is contagious the child is off school. If you are concerned and want to know more about Whooping Cough you can go [...]
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL TAKAPUNA 2019/11 - April 8 Shore to Shore On the 31st of March about 150 people from our [...]