Cans 4 Christmas

Cans 4 Christmas has been in operation for 2 years now. The main focus is to donate the collected cans to charities like the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Mercy Hospice. Last year [...]

2017-10-20T12:52:05+00:00 20th October 2017|

Mrs Bon – The Legendary Teacher

By Daniel C, Amelia L and Ryan B   We expected Mrs Bon to have lots of special and funny stories from her 28 years at St Joseph’s and that is what she shared with [...]

2017-10-19T14:18:33+00:00 19th October 2017|

Newsletter Week 2 Term Three

Newsletter Week 2 Term ThreeNewsletter Week 2 Term Three CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Japanese Students’ Visit   It was great to be able to welcome 20 students from Tokyo City University, Junior & Senior High School. [...]

2019-02-04T12:18:25+00:00 4th August 2017|

Newsletter Week 1 Term 3

Welcome to Term 3 It was wonderful to welcome the students and staff back to school on Monday at School Prayer. Everyone has enjoyed the break and have shared their holiday stories with each other. [...]

2019-02-04T12:18:18+00:00 27th July 2017|

Newsletter Term 2 Week 9

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 9     CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS     House Mass Thank you to the students and their families who were able be at the Patuone and McAuley House Mass. It was [...]

2019-02-04T12:18:40+00:00 28th June 2017|

Newsletter Term 2 Week 7

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 7   CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS House Mass Through the year we have two House Masses. This allows each house to attend a Mass together with another house at the school’s Parish [...]

2019-02-04T12:17:02+00:00 16th June 2017|

Newsletter week 6 term two

    CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS    Sunday 18 June – 10am Mass   Patuone and McAuley House students and their families are invited to attend the Mass at 10am, students can attend in Sunday best [...]

2019-02-04T12:18:46+00:00 12th June 2017|

Newsletter Week 5 Term Two

CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Church Strand Learning Over the next four to five weeks the children will be participating in various learning experiences based around the Church Strand.   Global Achievement Objectives for St. Joseph’s School [...]

2019-02-04T12:17:04+00:00 2nd June 2017|

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 4

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 4   CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Church Strand Learning Over the next four to five weeks the children will be participating in various learning experiences based around the Church Strand.   Global [...]

2019-02-04T12:17:05+00:00 26th May 2017|

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3

NEWSLETTER Term 2 Week 3 CATHOLIC CHARACTER NEWS Courtesy Care Co-Operation Courage Have you completed our Charter review survey? Over this term the Board, staff and I will be looking at our Charter, in relation [...]

2019-02-04T12:17:06+00:00 22nd May 2017|
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