Different Abilities
We recognise the different abilities, interests, development and ethnic background of each child and we aim to provide wide ranging programmes to cater for children as individuals, During their time at our school, children will make new friends, meet new ideas, be confronted with exciting challenges and have their horizons widened.
New Learners of English
As a multi-cultural school, we recognise and value all languages in our community. We encourage children to maintain their first language. Children requiring special assistance with learning English may qualify for extra support though Ministry of Education funding which, together with school funds, enables the school to provide appropriate staffing, resources and support.
Children who are having difficulties in understanding basic maths concepts are supported in their mathematical learning by a structured programme and one on one support from trained teacher aides.
Reading Recovery Programme
All children are formally assessed in reading and writing when they turn 6. Any serious concerns about a child’s progress are discussed with the parents. From this assessment, some children are identified to participate in the Reading Recovery Programme. This is an intensive, short-term, daily programme, of up to 20 weeks, taken by a specialist teacher on a one to one basis. Reading Recovery is an addition to the normal classroom programme, and while a child is on the programme, there is a regular communication between the Reading Recovery teacher, Associate Principal of the Junior classes, parents and the classroom teacher to ensure that any issues are addressed as soon as possible.
Children Requiring Learning Support
Children requiring extra help with their learning and/or behaviour are identified by the class teacher. A special programme, related to the child’s needs, is developed by the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator), class teacher and sometimes with the parents and also specialists from other agencies. Children requiring learning support usually have some Teacher Aide assistance and sometimes work with a specialist teacher. Progress of children receiving additional support is carefully monitored. Parents are invited to contact the classroom teacher should there be any concerns about a child’s progress in any area.
Children with Special Abilities
The school is committed to providing support for children with special abilities. These children are identified by the Teachers and Syndicate Leaders and are catered for, within the classroom programme, by differentiated learning. This is strongly supported by the school’s philosophy of using thinking tools and problem solving throughout the curriculum. There are opportunities, at times, for those children to attend workshops or activities outside the school.