Enrolment 2025-03-21T11:31:34+00:00

Student Enrolment Procedure


Please read this procedure full before completing the Enrolment Form

Welcome to St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna.

Thank you for considering our school for your child’s education.

We are a Catholic State Integrated School that caters for boys and girls in years 1 – 6. We are accepting enrolments for children in Years 0 – 6.

Children who live in the St Joseph’s Takapuna and St Thomas More Glenfield Parishes attend our school. 

If you would like your child to be considered for a placement at St Joseph’s Catholic School Takapuna please follow this process;

    • A prospective student will only be considered if they have a residential address on the North Shore, with preference given to the St Joseph’s Takapuna and St Thomas More Glenfield parishes, in accordance with the Bishop of Auckland’s expectations
    • Have a copy of the following documents ready for uploading as part of the online enrolment process;
      • Baptism Certificate (Preference Enrolment Only)
      • Child’s Birth Certificate or Passport
      • If the child is not a New Zealand citizen, a copy of their Resident or Student Visa 
      • Preference of Enrolment Form (scroll down the linked page for the appropriate form) signed by a Parish Priest from the Auckland Diocese. (5.4 signed by the Vicar General)
  • The original signed Preference Enrolment Form needs to be handed into the office following acceptance of a position
  • The original Attendance Dues Form, signed by both parents, needs to be handed into the office following acceptance of a position. This form will be emailed to you at the time you are offered a placement.
    • Complete the online enrolment form, loading the supporting documentation
    • An automated response will be sent on receipt of the completed online enrolment form, which will then be processed (three weeks during term time)
    • Year 0/1 students will have their place confirmed by email 
    • Year 2 – 6 families will be invited in for a school tour (set days/times), on completion the enrolment form being processed
  • On completion of the tour, parents will confirm whether by email whether or not they wish their child to be considered for a place
  • When confirmation has been received the child will then be considered for a place


You are welcome to contact the school office should you require any further information.

Phone: (09) 489 4994

Email: secretary@sj.school.nz