Health and Safety 2025-03-14T08:34:17+00:00

Health and Safety

Sickness at School

The school has a sick bay in the administration building. Minor injuries are treated at school by staff. In cases of more serious injury, parents are contacted where the school considers medical attention is required. If parents cannot be contacted, the school will take the initiative in taking children to the Accident and Emergency Clinic or phoning for an ambulance.  Parents are also contacted if a child should become ill.  If a child needs medication administered during school hours, it must be held and administered by the office staff. Any medication or inhalers required should be sent to the office and a Medication Authority form completed. No medication or inhalers should be in school bags. Please ensure we have up-to-date phone numbers including work contact numbers, should we need to make contact.

All office staff have up-to-date St John’s Medical Certificates. All staff are trained in basic first aid and CPR.  All staff are trained in Epi Pen administering. Should your child require medication you will be contacted for permission.

Exclusion of child after sickness

Children must not be sent to school before 48 hours have passed from the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhea.

Civil Emergency Organisation

Staff have planned procedures to be put into action in case of a civil emergency, such as a serious earthquake or fire.

In the event of an emergency we will keep all children at school under supervision until they are collected by parents, or by another adult specifically nominated in writing by you. When children are released from school after an emergency, the name of the person with whom they left will be entered on a special register so that, if any later enquiry is made, we will know where every child went. It is vital, therefore, that parents, or nominated persons, do not just arrive and take children without notifying the office.

It is suggested that you discuss this within your family and have a plan in case you are separated for a long time. The staff will be co-operating with the Civil Defence Organisation who may decide to use the school as a base in a civil emergency.


For safety reasons, children riding bicycles/scooters to school are to:

  • Wear a helmet
  • Be safe cyclists.
  • Get off  in the school grounds and walk their bicycles/scooters to the rack provided.

We recommend that parents cycle with their child until he/she is old enough to be responsible and safe. If parents allow their child to ride to school they take responsibility for the child’s cycling/ scootering safety.

Child Protection

St Joseph’s School is committed  to the prevention of child abuse and to the protection of children. This commitment means that the interests and welfare of the children will be the prime consideration when any decision is made about suspected abuse. All staff agree to support the roles of statutory agencies (the Police and the New Zealand Children and Young Persons and their Families Service) in the investigation of any suspected abuse. Parents/Caregivers are advised that staff will report cases of suspicion of abuse to these agencies without prior warning.

Hearing and Vision

A Vision Hearing Technician will visit the school during the year. Vision and Hearing screening is administered to 5 years olds who have not already completed a Before School Vision and Hearing Check plus older children who are new to the school or have been referred by teachers or parents. Children who are under specialist care for vision or hearing are not screened.

Dental Clinic

Parental consent is required for treatment by the Dental Therapist and is obtained when children enroll.

The Dental Therapist is on site at various times over the year and examines all children.

The contact number is  444 6160 / 837 9143 (8:00am – 4:30pm). Emergencies 0800 825 583