Religious Education
The school follows the National Curriculum for Religious Education. It consists of five strands God, Jesus, Church, Community of Disciples and Sacrament. These are accompanied by teachers instructing the students in prayer and the liturgical year.
All students participate in prayer daily and the school celebrates a school mass each term.
St Joseph’s School Takapuna is based on the Mercy Values; these are incorporated into the teaching and learning programmes within the school.
The traditions of the school are made apparent to the students at the beginning of each year through a school charism focus. This focus is referred to throughout the year including Bishop Pompallier, Sister Catherine McAuley, and St Joseph. The focus is on the values these people have and how they relate to our school values, the Mercy Values, the works of the Sisters of Mercy and how this impacts on our school.
The school wide plans incorporate a focus area in Special Character, Mercy Values, and an essential question relating to the focus.
Many of the Key Competencies relate to the special character of our school.
The printed version of the Family Whanau book has been replaced by the online version, to access click on the button below.
Prayers, Masses, Liturgies
On Friday mornings at 8.50, the whole school gathers together in the Hall for prayer and a welcome to the week. Each day, every class starts the day with prayer. Parents are welcome to join in. Children pray before meals and at the end of the day.
On a rotation basis, children attend Tuesday Mass with parishioners, and once a year celebrate a special class Mass. Junior children celebrate special Liturgies once a year to which parents are invited. Parents and parishioners are always welcome to attend.
Family Masses
The school has close ties with St Joseph’s Parish, Takapuna. Once a term, there is a School Family Mass at 10 am. The group leading the organisation and participation in this Mass comes from one of the school’s Houses. The school choir leads the singing at these special Family Masses.
Class mission money is collected as a way of raising the children’s awareness of how we can all help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please encourage your child to share a little of their own money as often as they can, by bringing it to school to add to their classroom collection. We encourage children to help out at home in some way in order to earn the money they are giving. Mufti Days and other events are held occasionally to raise money for special causes. Mufti Day means that the children come to school wearing clothes other than their uniforms and bring a gold coin donation.
There is a food bank basket in the administration office. The children are invited to put a food item in it. The Parish distribute these items for us.